Saturday, February 18, 2006

Tagged, but not tagging

I actually wasn’t tagged, but am going to do this “tagging” exercise nonetheless. It’s been awhile (or has it) since I’ve done a little questionnaire. So here goes…

4 Places I've Lived
1.) Victoria, Australia
2.) Willamette Valley, Oregon
3.) Southern Oregon
4.) South Korea

4 Foods I love to eat
1.) Artichoke
2.) Tomato and cheese sandwiches
3.) Fruit
4.) Pickled beans

4 Things That Make Me Mad
1.) When my partner interrupts me when I’m trying to tell a story.
2.) People who use sex appeal, or their sexuality to get what they want.
3.) The fact that no one from the states has ever rang me while here in Australia. I’m always doing the ringing. This includes family and friends. Umm, I’m not made of money!
4.) Guys who don’t understand the term “lesbian” and who assume that I’ve got some sort of bi-tendencies. Not happening guys. So don’t bother with it!

4 Cars That I Have Owned
1.) 1990 Nissan Pintara
2.) 1990 Pontiac Grand Prix
3.) 1989 Ford Bronco
4.) I’ve only owned 1 and 2, #3 was my parents’ vehicle, that when I got my license, they let me drive it. But I’ve never owned my own car. I’ve either had it given to me, or had someone help pay for it. My next car, will be MINE. The loan will be in my name, and I’ll be making the payments. But I can see my partner driving it a lot more than me. My next car is going to be a Mazda 3 ::big grin::

4 Books I've Read
1.) Anything and everything by Ann Rule
2.) The DaVinci Code (Can’t wait till May!)
3.) Trans-sister Radio by Chris Bohjalian
4.) Rubyfruit Jungle by Rita Mae Brown

4 Things I Love To Do
1.) Sit up all night, next to the fire, beneath a blanket, and just talk.
2.) Make out/have sex
3.) Go to the beach and perve on the ladies.
4.) Read, even when I should be doing something else.

4 Hobbies I have
1.) Reading
2.) Arts and crafts
3.) Writing
4.) Outdoor activities such as hiking, bike riding, rollerblading.

4 Animals I've Had
1.) Cats
2.) Pigs
3.) Sheep
4.) Cows (yes, I grew up on a farm)

4 Achievements In Life
1.) Coming out of the closet
2.) Graduating 2nd in my class
3.) Graduating from university in 4 years, even though I changed majors 3 times, and changed schools.
4.) Finding the courage and strength to move continents to be with someone I love.

-current mood-ANTSY for some reason. Maybe because I know it's already almost Sunday, which means it's almost Monday.

Friday, February 17, 2006

VCAT Hearing

Today I went to my first VCAT hearing. For those who are unfamiliar, VCAT stands for the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal. The pupose of them, is they are the ones who give the “order” that our clients no longer have the capacity to manage their financial affairs, due to many reasons. Sometimes the client, or someone will “challenge” the order for various reasons. And it is usually at this time, we as consultants, have to attend these VCAT hearings.

So the one I went to today, was in Geelong. It was about 1.5 hour trip with a guy I hardly know. However, the VCAT hearing was an interesting one. The information I was given before hand, was that the son, who, during the time he were the administrator of the father’s financial affairs, pretty much spent a lot of his money, for himself. It’s pretty evident, because he has hardly any money left (let’s say he had 150,000 from a settlement, and now has 30,000 left). At the tribunal hearing, the VCAT woman asked “where has all the money gone.” The son was like “We’ve paid for furniture, moving expenses, and dad bought me car so I could help him out…etc.” The VCAT woman was like “well, I can sort of estimate how much that’d be, and that doesn’t equal up to 150,000.” So the VCAT woman has given this guy 2-3 months to have all of the receipts and finances figured out, so that they can figure out whether there were misappropriation of funds.

The hearing was a great experience for me. Even though it wasn’t like going to court, it sort of was. Next week, I am going to 2 other VCAT hearings. It will be interesting to hear their cases, and if it will be a “juicy” case or not.

-current mood-HUNGRY, need to go find something to eat.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Oh so yummy woman at train station

Yesterday I was in my car, getting ready to leave the car park at the train station, when this very attractive lady walked by. I had seen her on the train I think. It’s hard NOT to notice her. Aside from her being beautiful, she’s really really tall. She’s probably about 6’1, slender, short blonde hair, yeh, wears make up, but definitely a sight for sore eyes. I ws in my car, and she walked by me. As she was walking by me, she didn’t take her eyes off of me. As she passed my car, she kept walking (yes I was perving on her) and then she looked back at me.

If only I was more out there, I would have honked at her, or done something. But I’m a shy little petal, and kept the comments to myself. When I was looking at her last night, I wasn’t thinking “ohh, I’d like to be in her pants.” Though the thought crossed my mind. But I’m not like that, or AM I??? ::raising eyebrows:: Nahhh, besides I saw her have a smoke in her hand. And I’m not one to date smokers, sorry.

I was on my train ride to work this morning, and last night’s event came to mind. I got to thinking “what if this woman wanted to tease me, like some str8 women do?” What if she wanted to see how far she could have gotten with me. But more than likely, I would have been too afraid to do anything. Besides, I’m very happily taken. But just because I’m happily taken, that still doesn’t stop my mind from straying at times. I’d never cheat on my partner, nor would I ever ask for another party to come into the relationship. But I think my mind strays at times, because I haven’t experienced anyone else. I haven’t dated or been with other women, and I have thought about what it’d be like. I personally don’t believe in sleeping with someone just because you can. I’m the hopeless romantic and won’t delve into the physical intimacy part with a woman, unless I know there is a long term commitment.

But all the way to work, I kept “thinking” about what it would be like to be with this yummy woman. The idea of her seducing me, and having her way with me, it was exciting. And NO this post isn’t supposed to get you hot and bothered. If it did, well, you have issues. ::smirks:: Exciting because I knew it’d never happen, and I wouldn’t want it to. But it was still nice, for my mind, for a brief moment, to think about what it’d be “like” to be with this woman. More than likely, this woman was str8, and was probably looking at something else. But I like to think she was looking at me. ::smirks::

-current mood-WARM, it's a bit muggy outside.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Okay, back in high school, I used a scientific calculator for my math classes. Because my brother was a year behind me, he just used mine, when I was finished with it. I started taking high school math, in middle school, because I guess the teachers thought I was “advanced.” I have to laugh about that because math has always been a really hard subject for me. But I ended up “fooling” the teachers I guess. Anyway, back to this calculator. After my sophmore year, I didn’t need the calculator anymore. I thought instead of forking over another hundred dollars for a TI-85, I’d let my brother borrow it from me. I should have known better. My brother ended up dropping the calculator, and it was of no use anymore. The screen only half worked, and it was not able to get fixed. Probably not without spending a lot of money.

In college, I only, thankfully, had to take one math class. I ended up getting a TI-83 I believe. I didn’t need a fully functional scientific calculator, but I wanted to have a decent calculator, in case I’d need it later on. After my one math class, I was finished with using the calculator. My brother, later, decides that he wants to enroll in at ITT. Instead of him buying his own calculator, I told him he could borrow mine, just until I needed it again. I SHOULD have learned from back in high school, but evidently I didn’t.

It’s been ummmm, ::thinking:: about 5 years I think since my brother went to ITT. He stayed there for I think 2 semesters, and then decided it wasn’t for him. Fair enough, but he should have given me my calculator back. He doesn’t use it anymore, that’s for sure. I tried to remember to ask him, before I moved, but it just passed my memory. So I asked him, if he could send it with my Xmas pressies. It didn’t end up happening.

I finally got the package yesterday. My mum sent it to me, along with some V-Day socks.. I open the package, all excited and happy, and come to find out, mum sent me the WRONG calculator. She sent me the one that doesn’t work ::shaking head:: I was so disappointed. So I ended up having to email my mum again, and in hopes, she’ll send me the calculator. I hate seeming like I’m hassling her. I guess if she doesn’t send it, I’ll always be able to get it when I go home this Xmas.

-current mood-HAPPY, tomorrow is Thursday. This week is over 1/2 over!! ::jumping up and down::

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Lawrence and Rush jailed for life

First off, Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone. For those who are coupled, let’s hope this is a special day for you all. For those who are not, your day will come, when you’ll be able to celebrate this day. Personally, it’s just another day to me. I guess even more so, being that I haven’t been able to spend the day with my partner. We “left” each other our pressies. Maybe this weekend we’ll go out to dinner.

Now, onto a different topic. One that isn’t so rosey. As I stated last night, I was in SHOCK about the Bali 9 verdicts of the first two drug mules. For those who are unfamiliar with the case, 4 Aussies last April, strapped heroin to their bodies, and tried to aboard a plane from Bali to Sydney. They were caught, along with 5 other people, who either were part of the leadership of this drug ring, or had been found with the drugs at a nearby hotel. This case has had a bit of publicity here in Australia, along with the Schapelle Corby marijuana case. There were 8 men, and one woman. The prosecution asked that 2 of the 9 men, the be executed by firing squad, the 6 men all were asked by the prosecution to get life sentences, and the sole woman, the prosecution asked for 20 years. I read an article on, and was shocked to hear that the woman, Ms. Lawrence was given a life sentence.

A life sentence in a Bali jail, is of the natural life of the person. So in essence, Ms Lawrence and Mr. Rush are going to die in a Bali prison. They may be able to serve our their sentence here in Australia, and also may be able to appeal the sentencing. But the mere thought of spending the rest of my natural life in prison, I sometimes think I’d rather end up dying. The prisons in Bali are horrific, just watch any movie that relates to drug smuggling in the Indonesian countries. You hear stories, and you think “this can’t be true” but in truth, it IS true. I’m still kind of in a daze about the verdict. I think there is a pretty good chance, that the two “ring leaders” will be sentenced to death. There are already 6 people in Bali on deathrow. Don’t know if that means all of deathrow, or just for drug related offenses. But I’ve thought about how long these people are on deathrow, and just how long it’ll take before the execution is enacted. I know with the Van Nguyen case, awhile back, this individual had been on deathrow for about 3 years I think. Will be interesting to see how the other verdicts will fall on the board. They all I believe, are supposed to be sentenced this week.

-current mood-SAD, that I don't get to spend the V-day night with my partner.

Monday, February 13, 2006

"Are you happy with that?"

It’s the second week of my training, and in that amount of time, I’ve had 3 training modules on STRATIS. STRATIS is the database that the company I work for uses, to keep all the information on our clients. I’ve never heard of this database, but it is pretty intensive and pretty detailed. Hence probably why we’ve had 3 training modules already just on STRATIS.

But I have to laugh, my training instructor, L, is an absolute riot. He’s probably in his late 50’s or early 60’s, he’s a smoker, so he’s kind of got the skin of a smoker. He’s got a dry sense of humor though. And when he looks at me, in hopes that I’ll know an answer to a question, it’s as though his eyes bug out of his head, waiting. He’s always got a story to tell, and a story that usually has a moral. I guess moral of stories are good ways to help us remember what NOT to do. ::smirks::

One thing, that always cracks me up, is he has two sayings, that he says INCESSANTLY. And he always says them, to make sure we understand what’s going on. The first one is “are you happy with that?” And the second one is “get the idea??” And I swear, he’ll say it at least 30 times, if not more, in the 3 hour block module we have. I was talking to a colleague of mine, and we were both laughing about how he says these two sayings just a tad bit too frequently. Now, every time L says it, I am laughing hysterically inside. I sometimes just wish I had the guts to say something, but you know me, I’m not like that. I of course, would never say anything, but I have never known someone to say something so frequently.

-current mood-IN SHOCK about the Bali 9 verdict of the first two individuals. Will write more about it tomorrow.

Sunday, February 12, 2006


Why do weekends go by so quickly? It seemed like it was just Friday night and I was on my way home from work. It’s now Sunday afternoon, early evening, and I have to mentally prepare myself for the upcoming week. ::shakes head:: Oh how I have to laugh at myself, because here I was, over a year of not working and I’m only a week into working, and I’m already whinging that the weekends go by too quickly. I do have to admit though, this weekend we were busy. So maybe that’s why it seemed like the weekend went by too quickly.

Do people feel like the weekend goes by too quickly for them? I know when I was living back in the states with my sister, the weekend seemed to go by quickly as well. But there were moments, where it felt like the weekend wouldn’t hurry up and finish. I wanted them to though, because I wanted to hurry up and have September 2004 to come. I think that once I get my routine down, the weekends won’t seem to pass as quickly as they do. A part of me knows that I’ll cherish my weekends, because I won’t be able to have a day off, till March (public holiday) but I won’t take a day off (rest day off) till my probationary period is over. My body is telling me “I’m still on vacation” but my brain is realizing that that isn’t the case anymore. I think I’m also dreading the fact that I’m not going to see my partner all week. That really makes me sad. Makes me realize just how much I love my partner and how much she means to me.

But I’m off now, to finish mentally preparing myself for this coming week. I’ve looked in my daily planner, and it’s a packed week!!

-current mood-FAMISHED