Spring Forward
It's that time of the year again...where we spring forward (and the other half of the world "fall" back.
I think the whole DLS thing is weird. In truth, because it's something I've always known, I thought it was something that just was. But I know here in Australia, it was delayed last year. I guess because of the Commonwealth Games going on, they decided to wait to "fall" back.
Honestly, what is the point of it? And who really thought of this concept? Yes, I know it has to do with the amount of light available to farmers...but like, how does something like this get enacted? Something to where the world all participates in it? Or are there parts of the world that DON'T participate in DLS????
I'd be curious to know.....
Car Wash
Can you believe it, in all my life, I have not actually been thru a car wash myself? I've always been the passenger, but never the driver.As Australia is going through a major water crisis at the moment (well it's actually been going on for quite some time) we can't seem to wash our cars anymore. If we do, we have to use a bucket, and even to rinse the car, we have to use a bucket. Soooo, I went thru the car wash this evening. I went late, as I hate having to wait for other people at the petrol station. It was kind of weird and creepy going by myself. But now I have a shiny clean car. Do you think it's strange, that I've never been thru a car wash? That's like me, and not going through the drive thru either. I think I've been the driver in a vehicle, that went through a drive thru, about the number of fingers you can count on one hand. I'm not find of the drive thru either, as they seem to be really narrow. I'm always afraid that I'm going to hit something ::snickers:: But I guess when you're in a hurry, you'll find a way to go through one.