
I’m a big fan of Jodie Foster. I have loved her ever since I saw her in Silence of the Lambs. When I imagine a woman of true class, she’s someone I picture. Many may say she’s not overly beautiful, but I find her incredibly attractive. Aside from being a great actor, I think she just has this certain aura that makes her seem very pleasant. She’s a very private person, and I think it’s great how she handles the media and just being famous. Being a child actor at such a young age, and the continuing this career to the age she is, she seems to have done it with grace.
It’s been 3 years I believe since Jodie last had a movie out. Jodie is very particular with what she does, but there haven’t really been any “bad” movies she’s been in. Most of her movies have done great in the box office. So when I heard and saw the trailer for Flightplan I was really excited. I had a feeling the movie was going to be good, Jodie is very picky about her movie scripts. She’s done quite a bit of “background” work, that it was nice to see her again in a major role.
My partner and I went to see it, opening night here in Australia. There were quite a few people in the theater. Usually when ever we go to a movie, regardless of what time of day or night, it’s either usually just us, or 1 or 2 other couples. I guess that’s what you get, when you live in a suburb of less than 40,000 people. But surprisingly, there were quite a few in the theater when we went. The movie is good. It’s not oscar material I don’t reckon, but it’s got a good plot, and of course it’s action packed. For those who don’t know what the movie is about, it’s about Kyle (Jodie’s character) who is a flight engineer or something along those lines. She’s on her way home to NY from Berlin along with her 6 year old daughter. Kyle falls asleep and when she wakes up, her daughter is missing. She searches the airplane and starts getting frantic. She ends up getting the flight attendants and the flight crew to help her look for her missing daughter. The more they look, the more odd things become. The flight crew tell Kyle that there is no record of her daughter being on the flight, and people start to disbelieve Kyle. So for the rest of the movie, Kyle frantically tries to persuade herself that she’s not going crazy and to hopefully find her daughter.
Like I said, not oscar material, but I thought Jodie did a great job. Sometimes when I watch Jodie on the screen, I often wonder what her private life is like. Because she’s so private, and because you hardly ever see her in the media, it makes you wonder just what she’s up to. I know she has two boys, fathers unknown of course. But I just wonder what she does while she’s not making movies or being involved in the limelight. There of course has been speculation that she’s gay, but it has never been denied or confirmed. Don’t think it ever will either. I think it’s great how Jodie is able to handle the pressures of Hollywood, but yet she still stays true to herself.
Go check out the movie, it’s a good one. Even if you’re not a Jodie Foster fan, I still recommend seeing the movie.
-current mood-ICKY, monthly visitor