New Kitten

My partner's nephew's girlfriend rescued a kitten that some kick arse abandoned. Well, we don't know what really happened, but the girlfriend's mum found the kitten near their house. They first thought it was an opossum, and when they went to look for it, it scurried off. Then when the girlfriend's mum walked by the car, she saw two glimmering eyes peering from near the front tyre. The kitten was hiding under there.
The girlfriend really wanted to keep the kitten, but her dad hates cats. She came over last night (for my partner's birthday) and asked us if we wanted a free kitten...because her dad was going to have the kitten terminated after Tuesday if something wasn't done to the kitten. So we went over this afternoon, and my partner and I both fell in love with the kitten.
We actually won't pick it up until Saturday thou. Because we have another cat as it is, and a somewhat snobby one at that...we want to make sure someone is "babysitting" the two. We want to make sure that they get used to each other, before anything happens. And as I finish work this week, I'll be able to watch them for the first week or so.
We haven't thought up of a any ideas would be great. I'll pass them onto my partner, so we can help decide.
She's sooo cuddly, and she has this ribbon that she loves to play with. She won't go to bed w/out the ribbon either. She's this ball of fluff, and has pretty blue eyes. But 99% sure she will lose the blue eyes when she gets older. Our cat Charlie had beautiful blue eyes...but she outgrew them. So I'm pretty sure this kitten will as well.
I was looking at her today and thought to myself "how could someone just dump this kitten?" Stuff like that makes me so angry, and so sad at the same time. I can't understand how people can just abandon helpless animals. I've known a number of people who have had animals sent to their places and dumped there...but I think it's b/c someone knows we'll look after the animal. But this poor kitten...when our nephew's girlfriend took her inside...she was absolutely starving. I'm just happy she's found a good home now.
More pictures to come :)
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