Enjoying the odd moments where I can sit down and write what comes to mind. Whether it makes sense, that is to be contemplated.
"Heterosexuality is not right or normal, it's just common"
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Second cousin born this morning
My cousin Mary had her baby this morning. She had a baby girl, at 1:56am East Coast time. Camryn Leigh (last name withheld..lol) weighed in at 7lbs, and was 20 1/2 inches. Here is her pic....she's so beautiful! Mother and baby are doing well, considering the labor was 24 hours. Oh, and father seems to be doing well too ::snickers::
Well, as part of my mental health kick, I joined a gym. My partner and I had started walking since we came back from the States, but it wasn't doing anything for me. I felt like it was a waste of time, and I couldn't see any results. Maybe it was because we didn't really get our heart rates up, maybe it was because we didn't do it that often, maybe it was because I just didn't feel motivated. On my day off on Friday, I went to the local wave pool/gym and went to have a look around. I ended up joining the gym, and am crossing my fingers, that what I'm paying, will actually pay off. The nice thing, aside from having free weights, and exercise equipment, there also is a swimming pool. I'll be able to do some free swimming (if I can get the courage to put on a bathing suit.
I went in for my assessment today, and I'm a little heifer. Walking down the street, and seeing me walk by, you wouldn't think so. The trainer who was measuring my BMI, he couldn't find much around my arms, or my back..but my belly, ::snickers:: I've got myself a little pudge there. Plus I've gained about 10 kilos since about high school. I know that my weight factors into my BMI, so I'm hoping to lose a little weight, but gain it back in muscle.
It's interesting, this program that I'm on, on Wednesday I'll go and have a trainer go through with me, the exercises and things I can do, to help me get more fit...but then in 3 weeks time, I'm going to get measured again, and then again in 6 weeks time. Do they really think 3 weeks is going to make a difference?
I told my trainer that I wanted to start out slow, and then eventually get stronger. But I told myself that I wasn't going to have too many expectations, if any for the first month. I know I want to feel better about myself. I want to get back into the shape I was in high school, and I want people to see me walking down the street and think "wow, she works out." But I certainly don't want to look like I'm on steroids ::snickers::
So I'm really hoping that I'll be able to start losing some wieght, and gaining some more body mass. And above all, I hope this helps relieve some of my stress with work.
Lesbian blogger who is just trying to find her place in this vast world. Originally from Oregon but moved to Australia in September 2004.
This blog is a journey through my life thus far, well since I started blogging in Aug 2005. Anything and everything that encompasses this realm, will very well be mentioned.
Just here to express myself in a way I know best...through words. Some may find my work offensive, others may find it completely boring. But for me, it's my work and my words.
I hope people who stumble across my blog will take time to read it, leave a comment here and there, and maybe even become a loyal blog reader.
What I say in my blog is my business..so if you know my family or friends in one way or another, please keep what I say on here, to yourself. As they say "what goes on in Vegas, stays in Vegas." What goes on in this blog, stays in this blog.
I respect the views and opinions of others, and encourage others to express their views and opinions to me. But please be kind, I too have feelings. Enough said, start reading already!