Back in Australia
The trip over was great. We didn't have any problems, or any setbacks, which was great. When I saw my mum at the airport, she was jumping up and down to get my attention. I was so happy to see her. We both started crying, when we hugged. It was so NICE to be back home, and on the ground. 13+ hours on an airplane, is just not that great, let me tell ya!
It was hard to be back home, because all of these thougths and feelings re-surfaced. I cried a number of times, because I didn't want to go back to Australia. Not because I didn't like it, but because I missed so much at home.
The first night, we had a roast, and I had a HUGE salad with RANCH dressing. Oh my, it was heaven. I had Captain Crunch cereal, and it was wonderful to be eating foods that we don't have here. I had kettle popcorn almost every night. I sure missed eating that kettle popcorn. I tried to bring some back home, but customs confiscated it, due to the popcorn not being popped. I was totally spewing.
The first week, we did nothing but shop shop shop..oh and we visited a few friends. The Sunday we arrived, my partner and I went down to Eugene to visit my best friend and some pals from work. We made gingerbread houses, and let me tell you, it's a good thing I'm not a contractor. ::smirks:: It was hard to make the houses, with just regular gingerbread. But we had a blast, nonetheless.
But yes, we shopped till we dropped, and how could one resist? All of those sales before Christmas, it was like Christmas for me. I think I bought a whole new wardrobe.
Our 7 year anniversary was the 19th of December, and we went to Newport (Oregon) for the night. Going down to Newport was wonderful. Aside from the frost all over the place, it didn't rain, and the roads wern't that slippery. We went to Lincoln City, and just along the coastline. We stayed at a really nice resort. The next day, of course it rained. But truthfully, it rained all day, only for a couple of days while we were there. Ohh, maybe 3-4 days. But still, the weather was okay. COLD, but definitely okay.
Christmas was at my parents house, and we had the family around. The food was wonderful, and of course we were all full AS, afterward. My gramma, who is in a nursing home, came over for Christmas and it was great to spend some time with her. I don't know how much longer she has, but I tried to spend some time with her, knowing that it may be the last time I'd see her.
We went to Multnomah Falls and Silver Creek Falls with my parents, and got some amazing pictures. With my new 10.0 mp digital camera, I'm hoping that we'll be able to get some of the pics developed, or print them off ourselves, to add some pictures to the house.
And of course I got to see Jodi and Lisa (my myspace buddies, and friends from Eugene). We met up in Wilsonville, and had lunch at Red Robin. Red Robin has such great food. In truth, I think the States have far more better restaurants than here in Australia. But it was lovely to see them both.
The trip home was an absolute nightmare. I get motion sickness, and even though I took my medication, I got sick. I didn't get sick on the way to America, but on the way home, I ended up using a "barf" bag. The turbulance was really bad. Even my partner got sick. She had more of the headache, than the "wanting to throw up" feeling. But we both were feeling under the weather.
The flight out of PDX was delayed by almost 2 hours. The flight out of SFO was delayed about 45 minutes, and then of course, when we got to Sydney, we had to race to the connecting flight. Flights out of SFO were delayed all day. The reason why we didn't leave PDX till late, was because of a flight coming from SFO. All we wanted to do, was to just get home.
Overall the trip home was a great one. I still miss home and my family like crazy. My partner and I did a lot of talking with my mum when we were home, and we'd love to come back home to the States, together one day. But there is a long road ahead of us, to be able to do that. I guess for the time being, we will live here in Australia, as there is a lot of stability here. But maybe somewhere down the road, we will be able to come home.
I will close for now...but I am back home safely here in Australia, and I had a great time back in the States. Now it's back to work on Monday ::big GROAN:: My partner was smart, and added an extra week off, to her vacation, that way she didn't have to go straight back into the work force. I'm spewing I didn't do that.