Family Conflict..cont...
I know the two sisters knew that something was wrong when we left Friday night. Yesterday, our brother in law came to pick up the table and chairs during the day and he asked if something was wrong, from the night before. T explained sort of, how peeved off she was about not being invited…but his excuse was that this thing wasn’t planned. But it looked very much planned. Even if it wasn’t planned, and they all congregated to S’s place, a lightbulb should have gone off and they should have realized “oh, we’re forgetting one sister, let’s invite her.” But that’s the problem, the lightbulb doesn’t go off.
This isolation feeling, has been going on with my partner for as long as she’s moved out of her mum’s place. As to whether there was family conflict back then, who knows. T’s never been close with her sisters, but her two other sisters have been somewhat close. In truth, the whole family has somewhat grown apart. But it’s just sad and unfortunate that it’s had to come to this. My partner has cried a number of times, with how alone and isolated she’s felt from her family. She’s talked and talked to them, but it’s like talking to a brick wall….My partner gets upset, she cries, then feels all defiant and has the “f*ck them” attitude. But then, she goes back to her ways, and always is the one making an effort to keep in contact with her sisters. Never ending cycle, it is.
-current mood-TIRED, I slept too much this morning I think.