Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Okay, back in high school, I used a scientific calculator for my math classes. Because my brother was a year behind me, he just used mine, when I was finished with it. I started taking high school math, in middle school, because I guess the teachers thought I was “advanced.” I have to laugh about that because math has always been a really hard subject for me. But I ended up “fooling” the teachers I guess. Anyway, back to this calculator. After my sophmore year, I didn’t need the calculator anymore. I thought instead of forking over another hundred dollars for a TI-85, I’d let my brother borrow it from me. I should have known better. My brother ended up dropping the calculator, and it was of no use anymore. The screen only half worked, and it was not able to get fixed. Probably not without spending a lot of money.

In college, I only, thankfully, had to take one math class. I ended up getting a TI-83 I believe. I didn’t need a fully functional scientific calculator, but I wanted to have a decent calculator, in case I’d need it later on. After my one math class, I was finished with using the calculator. My brother, later, decides that he wants to enroll in at ITT. Instead of him buying his own calculator, I told him he could borrow mine, just until I needed it again. I SHOULD have learned from back in high school, but evidently I didn’t.

It’s been ummmm, ::thinking:: about 5 years I think since my brother went to ITT. He stayed there for I think 2 semesters, and then decided it wasn’t for him. Fair enough, but he should have given me my calculator back. He doesn’t use it anymore, that’s for sure. I tried to remember to ask him, before I moved, but it just passed my memory. So I asked him, if he could send it with my Xmas pressies. It didn’t end up happening.

I finally got the package yesterday. My mum sent it to me, along with some V-Day socks.. I open the package, all excited and happy, and come to find out, mum sent me the WRONG calculator. She sent me the one that doesn’t work ::shaking head:: I was so disappointed. So I ended up having to email my mum again, and in hopes, she’ll send me the calculator. I hate seeming like I’m hassling her. I guess if she doesn’t send it, I’ll always be able to get it when I go home this Xmas.

-current mood-HAPPY, tomorrow is Thursday. This week is over 1/2 over!! ::jumping up and down::


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope that your job is going well and that everything else in your life is status quo. I am getting closer to my move date so that I can be with my partner and am getting anxious about that. Otherwise everything else is pretty good. Hope you had a great V-day and I will catch ya L8TR!!

February 16, 2006 1:48 am  

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