Monday, February 13, 2006

"Are you happy with that?"

It’s the second week of my training, and in that amount of time, I’ve had 3 training modules on STRATIS. STRATIS is the database that the company I work for uses, to keep all the information on our clients. I’ve never heard of this database, but it is pretty intensive and pretty detailed. Hence probably why we’ve had 3 training modules already just on STRATIS.

But I have to laugh, my training instructor, L, is an absolute riot. He’s probably in his late 50’s or early 60’s, he’s a smoker, so he’s kind of got the skin of a smoker. He’s got a dry sense of humor though. And when he looks at me, in hopes that I’ll know an answer to a question, it’s as though his eyes bug out of his head, waiting. He’s always got a story to tell, and a story that usually has a moral. I guess moral of stories are good ways to help us remember what NOT to do. ::smirks::

One thing, that always cracks me up, is he has two sayings, that he says INCESSANTLY. And he always says them, to make sure we understand what’s going on. The first one is “are you happy with that?” And the second one is “get the idea??” And I swear, he’ll say it at least 30 times, if not more, in the 3 hour block module we have. I was talking to a colleague of mine, and we were both laughing about how he says these two sayings just a tad bit too frequently. Now, every time L says it, I am laughing hysterically inside. I sometimes just wish I had the guts to say something, but you know me, I’m not like that. I of course, would never say anything, but I have never known someone to say something so frequently.

-current mood-IN SHOCK about the Bali 9 verdict of the first two individuals. Will write more about it tomorrow.


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