Shifty kitty
Why is it, that every time I want my kitty to come inside, she seems to sense it, and scurries away from me?? Charlie is predominately an indoor cat. I’ll let her out before I go to work, and my partner will bring her back in before she heads off to work. Then usually when I get home, I let her out for a little while as well. It seems like every time I try to get her in, she just senses it and makes it impossible for me to catch her. I try to give her food, I try to coax her with my nice soothing voice I even try to use the fun laser light she loves to play with. I spent about 45 minutes trying to get her back into the house. If we had a kitty door, I wouldn’t have to worry about it. It’s so nice outside, that I’d love to be able to let Charlie stay out longer. But I know that she’d want to eventually come back in sometime. I ended up having to leave her be, and then come back a few times to get her back into the house. She was lying outside, and I got on my stomach and slowly crept towards her. She came over to me, so she could rub her face next to mine, and that’s when I grabbed her. I almost lost her, but my sudden movement, caused her to rush into the house.
Geez, quite the workout, trying to get that kitty back into the house. She’s quite content now. She’s sitting next to me..all sprawled out on the desk..looking at me with tired eyes. You know she’s had a full days worth of excitement, when you look and see how tired she is. The fresh air, and just being outside, does a world of good for her I reckon. She will surely sleep well tonight…just as I WILL.
-current mood-HAPPY, it's my Friday.
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