Friday, December 09, 2005


Yesterday, my partner found out that her sister might have thyroid cancer. This sister has had a lump on the side of her neck, near her ear I think, that has been bothering her for quite some time. Just last week, her husband finally took her in to get some tests and scans done. This sister, has always been afraid to go the doctor, and always delayed going at all opportunities. My partner kept telling her that she couldn’t put it off…that she NEEDED to go see about it. She’s had thyroid problems before, and I believe she’s had to take medication for it. But this time, it seems to be something different.

The doctors don’t know for sure if she has cancer. But she is supposed to go in for a biopsy the beginning of February. I asked why, considering that there may be a possibility of cancer, wouldn’t it be logical to get the biospy done ASAP. My partner said that the doctor they referred the sister to, is going on holidays and won’t be back till February. I would think that they would find another doctor to refer her to, to get the biopsy done. Wouldn’t one think, that they’d want to do the biopsy to find out what the problem is? I guess they found a black spot on the scans or something. But cancer is serious, and to catch it as soon as possible and have the treatment ASAP, I would think that would be top priority. I know there are more doctors than the one going on vacation, so they should bloody well refer her to someone else.

I’m a bit worried, and so is my partner. There isn’t a lot we can do right now, but just hope and pray that everything will be okay. For me personally, I haven’t known anyone who was affected by cancer. There are probably relatives I “know” that have died of cancer, but no one immediate in my family, has been affected by cancer, and/or died of it. My partner’s uncle had prostate cancer, and skin cancer as well. So she’d be pretty worried I’m sure. It’s hard for me, because I don’t know how to console my partner. I don’t know what to say, and I know if I say something wrong…she may just bark at me. I don’t want to cause any friction between us, but I just wish I knew what to say and/or do. Maybe just space will be beneficial. My partner is the sort of person that needs her space, and when she’s ready to talk, she’ll come to me. Might be safer to do just that.

-current mood-WORRIED


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