Thursday, December 08, 2005

Hiding online

A couple nights ago, when my partner came home, she got on MSN. She appeared offline, and noticed that her sister was online. A little background history here….my partner hardly EVER talks to her sister online. She talks to her other sister quite often, but never this one sister. And in truth, I find it funny that my partner talks to her sisters online, than usually over the phone. And we all live in the same suburb. Guess it’s cheaper, maybe?

Anyhooo, when ever my partner would get on any form of instant messaging program, this one sister would always put my partner on ignore or be invisible to her. When my partner used to tell me this, I’d just say “yeh okay..” and not really believe her. But since living with my partner, and actually seeing it happen, I know very well, that she does infact have my partner invisible. So my partner waited about 5 minutes of “appearing offline” and then she changed her status. Probably within 5 seconds, her sister went offline. My partner sent her sister an email saying how funny she thought it was, that, once again, when ever she comes online, the sister decides to go offline. My partner, in the past would get really upset about this, and not understand why her sister would do this. Now that time has passed, she just finds it funny. There will be times, where my partner will say “oh I saw you online last night and I messaged you, but you didn’t reply…” And my partner’s sister will say “ahh yeh, I must have left the computer on….” She has an excuse every time my partner brings up the topic.

The way I see it, why does the sister have to be like this? If she doesn’t want to talk to my partner, just don’t reply to the message, like she will do at times. I honestly can’t understand why this sister feels like she has to put my partner on invisible or just blatently ignore her. Is that rude, or am I just being too sensitive? It’s not like they talk every day as it is, but why does the sister have to do this every time she sees my partner get online?

For me, I don’t put people on ignore or invisible. Well, I have in the past. If someone is utterly annoying me, I very well will put them on ignore. But if I’m not in the mood to chat, I usually won’t come online. Sometimes there are moments where I want to chat with certain people, and devote my time and attention to them. If this is the case, I’ll let others who contact me, know that I’m busy. Some people get peeved off if I’m talking to more than one person. But I too, have friends online. And I think it’s okay to talk to more than one person at a time. I try to be courteous and respectful online, and I expect the same in return.

-current mood-JUST OK..enough said.


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