Sunday, December 11, 2005

Want to keep a conversation going? Follow these rules (applies to online life)

I sort of got this idea from a friend’s 360 blog. Even though hers was much more hillarious, I thought I’d put my own rules…rules that if people are able to abide by them, they’ll more than likely be able to gain a true friend out of me. If not, well, I can’t say I didn’t warn you.

*Don’t ask for my ASL (age/sex/location); All my profiles give at least this much information about me, if not more.

*Don’t keep pestering me; i.e sending me annoying messages, re-sending invites, buzzing me. This will only annoy me even more. Move on, I’ve ignored you for a reason .

*Don’t ask for my picture. And certainly don’t make it the only point of conversation. As a general rule, just don’t ask for it. Not going to happen, unless I feel totally comfortable with you. But don’t get offended if you never find out what I look’s not THAT important.

*If my profile/information says “no men” please respect that I don’t wish to converse with you. No, I don’t hate men, I just have enough of them in my real life, that I don’t see a need to have any online male friends.

*Don’t assume that because I’m gay, I want to see your boobs, your fanny, or your dick. I have a bit more dignity than that, thank you.

*Don’t ask me to be a part of your sexual experiment; I do enough of that with my partner.

*Don’t tell me you’re bi and married…I don’t care to converse with women who sleep with men, all the while, think it’s okay to sleep with women while still “attached”. And don’t give me a hard time about it, I’m not going to care.

*If you’re in a relationship and looking for more than a friendship, keep on walking…this booty ain’t interested!

*Have at least female listed somewhere on your contact information, otherwise you won’t get a response out of me.

*If you add me, or email me, don’t feel bad if you don’t hear from me for awhile. I like to marinade in what people say, and then give a response.

*If you read my blog, try to leave a comment. I do read what others write. It helps me understand you, and understand a view I may not have thought about.

*If you haven’t said hello to me in awhile, drop me a line, don’t be a stranger. I understand how real life can get in the way. But it’s always nice to catch up on other people’s lives.

*Don’t send me chain letters, letters saying that such program is going to close (ie. spam) or that so and so is a bad person and that I shouldn’t open anything from them. I don’t read chain letters, nor do I send them. I honestly don’t believe in the emails/messages filtering around cyberspace saying such program will be shutting down. So what if people will have to pay later…I’ll find out then. And finally, I’m not stupid enough to open emails/attachments from strangers.

*Respect my views and opinions. Abuse isn’t going to get you anywhere, for I will never stoop to that level…by abusing you in return. Well, maybe I will, but not likely .

*Don’t add me to your lists/IM programs unless you have a true intention of staying in touch. I often go through my lists and delete people I haven’t heard from in quite some time.

*Don’t be afraid or intimidated by all of these rules. I REALLY am an easy going gal. I’m just here to have fun and have a good time.

*If you’re reading this, you’re a loyal reader/online friend, and I thank you. Loyal readers and friends read blogs and leave comments. Even if it’s far few and between (I know I’m guilty of it sometimes). There are just times where you don’t know what to say.

-current mood-HUNGRY, having a roast tonight.


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