Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Still no word about the job

So, am I freaking out too quickly? I know it’s only Tuesday, but I haven’t heard back from the job people. I do know, that yesterday, they rang V at the place I was working at, to have her give me a reference. She rang me today, to ask if I could work tomorrow. I told her not a problem, it’s extra money. But V told me they rang her yesterday, and she said she gave a great reference. I know the job place has to ring the states, so I can imagine they may have had a little trouble figuring out the time difference. But I just hope that that is what is holding up the process.

Last night I was in bed thinking about how much stress my life has had in the past 6 months or so. Pretty much, since July, it’s been nothing but stress. If it’s not one thing, it’s another thing. We spent so much of our time stressing out about immigration. And now that that is all over and done with, you’d think the stress would go away. But now I’m trying to get a full time job, and that adds another element of stress into the equation. I know how hard it is to be an Aussie and try to get a full time job, I’m a foreigner, and trying to find a job as well. I don’t have a lot of connections. I had one, that brought me to the current job prospect. ::shaking head:: I may be jumping the gun..but I do ask that people keep positive thoughts circulating my way, in hopes I find out that I DID get the job, tomorrow. I know most people don’t work on Thursday because of the holiday (Australia Day) so having to wait another day, it’ll be agonizing for me.

-current mood-WORRIED, as usual.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

continuing to pray for you and sending love and postive vibes your way hun :D

sorry i haven't been on...it was my period and i was more crampy and sooky that usual--even for me. I'm glad it's over now

January 25, 2006 2:04 am  

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