Thursday, January 19, 2006


So I went in for my “observations” at this new job. I talked to a woman for about an hour. She gave me a rundown on sort of what the job entails. Afterward, D, asked me what was next, and I told her, her guess was as good as mine. I wasn’t told what was going to happen next, with the process. My friend N, and I were talking, and she’s so surprised at how different the process is. She asked me if I had heard anything and I said “nope…” So she did some fishing around for me, after I’d left, and told me that…the final “stage” was having my references checked. The references I have, they’ll have to ring the states..and hopefully it won’t delay the process, if they can’t get a hold of them, with the time change and all. I know I have good references, well I’m hoping I do. But one of the references, is also a friend..he was my supervisor for a few months before I left. But he’d worked with me for 2 years, he just was my supervisor for like2 months. I just hope he can give me a worthy reference. The other reference, is from the place I volunteered…at the sexual assault center. It’s been a number of years since I worked there, but hopefully the combination of them, will get me the job. I’d so hate to lose on the job, because my references were not good enough. I’m hoping, that after I get this job ::crossing fingers::, that there will be a reference there too.

People tell me, that if I don’t get this job, there will be others out there. Sure there will be, but will I be able to get even an interview?? Would I even be able to know where to look for a job? I have a pretty good idea of where to look, but I don’t know if I’d want to keep on doing social work. This one job was a great way for me to move down a different path…and I just hope it pans out, after all of the stuff I’ve had to do, not to mention prepare for (i.e. car, learning how to use public transportation..that will be saved for tomorrow’s post). I know I could be worrying about nothing, but this job is so close..within my grasp, and I’d hate for it to NOT happen because of a reference. So keep those fingers crossed for me, and send good vibes my way.

-current mood-HOPEFUL, that I get the job. But will most likely have to wait till next week to find out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Am keeping my fingers crossed and praying for you, gurl. Also sending lots of love and postive energy your way :)

January 20, 2006 4:57 am  
Blogger Whinger said...

I'm pretty confident that you'll get this job, but you have to keep in mind that if something goes awry, it is always for the best...just means there's something better out there.

January 20, 2006 6:51 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sending good vibes!!!

January 20, 2006 10:20 am  

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