Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Quiz taken from another blogger...

Because I'm absolutely knackered, I'm posting a quiz/questionnaire. Hope you don't get tired of them ::smirks:: Just be glad I'm not sending them to you in an email to FILL OUT.

1.) Name: Just call me gaylicious for the time being

2.) Age: 27

3.) Sexual Orientation: Lesbian

4.) If you are straight- have you ever thought of "jumping the fence"? I always knew I was gay. Never had a boyfriend, never been with guys..and thankfully for that ::big grin::

5.) What has stopped you from doing it? Nothing, and I know for a fact I’d never go str8. Men and their penises, just make me wanna vomit.

6.) Are you married, single or in a relationship? Relationship, for over 6 years now.

7.) If your married or in a relationship- would you ever cheat on your significant other if you knew you could get away with it? I’m a firm believer in monagomy and would never cheat, nor would I allow it to be done to me. And I’d never get involved with anyone who had previously cheated, or later asked me for an open relationship. I know open relationship can be positive, but there is no room for that in my life or my relationship.

8.) What do you like most about your lover? Her sense of humor

9.) What do you like least about your lover? When we’re arguing, she always thinks she’s right. But isn’t that the point of

10.) If there was ONE thing you regret in your life what is it? I didn’t come out earlier. I came out when I was 19, but had I come out when I first suspected I was gay, I would have maybe been able to tell this one person how much she meant to me. I still told her how I felt, but tried not to come off as being IN love with her. Not a good thing, but I guess that’s the way the cards were meant to be laid.

11.) How do you feel about gay marriage? Don’t know if I’d personally get married..but I do believe in some sort of union that is equal to all people, regardless of sexual orientation. This would also include immigration status to be the same for gay couples.

12.) Do you think lesbians/ gays make good parents? I think sexual orientation has nothing to do with whether some one makes a good parent or not. And I don’t think it should be up to the government that says whether a person is able to have kids or not based on orientation or whether they’re single. I don’t like it when people say “well what about the kids..what rights do they have??” I think if a child is raised in an environment where there are gay parents, they may know otherwise, but at the same time, they’ll know that it’s all the same. And it should be up to the parent/s whether they have the ability to raise children, not the governments.

13.) Do you use drugs? Nope, and never will. I don’t believe in the idea of using drugs to make myself feel better, even for a brief moment. Not into smoking cigarettes, smoking pot, or anything like that. Thankfully my partner doesn’t do any of the above items either. I’d never allow myself to be with someone who did.

14.) If yes, which ones? None

15.) Do you drink? About once a year..for New years, that’s about it. I’m not big on alcohol. Nor am I big on being around people who get pissed just because.

16.) Do you smoke? Nope, I think it’s rather rank.

17.) How often are you and your lover intimate? Won’t give figures, but let’s just say, there is always room for improvement ::winking::

18.) Do you consider yourself boring or wild in the bedroom? Maybe boring to some, but I satisfy my partner in the ways she wants.

19.) Do you consider your lover boring or wild in the bedroom? Wouldn’t say boring, but could definitely use some spicing up.

20.) Whats your biggest fantasy? Sexual fantasy..probably would be, a complete stranger (woman of course) seducing me, going back to her place and having hot and wild sex. I’m not into BDSM, but I wouldn’t mind dipping into the lifestyle a little bit. So there’d have to be that element involved.

21.) Will you ever fulfill it? No, because I’m not into casual sex.

22.) If there was one thing you could change about your lover what would it be? To be more openminded in the bedroom. It’s hard for her b/c she has self esteem issues.

23.) Whats the 3 most important things in a relationship? Trust, communication, and honesty

24.) Whats the 3 most important things in a friendship? Respect, understanding and loyality.

25.) Would you ever get back with an ex? Nope..we’re broken up for a reason.

26.) Have you ever had a threesome? Nope..not into that sort of lifestyle. I’m very much a one woman kind of woman. Don’t see the need to bring anyone else in the bedroom. Besides, it only complicates things. And for those people who say it doesn’t, are only lying to themselves.

27.) If no- would you ever? Nope..the idea has come to mind, but I’d never do it. My body is temple and not to be used for false satisfaction, and allowing someone else to be intimate with me, would be doing just that. And I’m not okay with that.

28.) If yes- with whom? No one in particular

29.) What are you doing right now besides taking this quiz? Doing just that….

30.) If you had to grade your life right now like a school grade- what would it be? A,B,C,D, or F?? C, just because I feel things are going just sort of average right now.

-current mood-TIRED, I think it's because of how stressed I am at the moment.


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