Thursday, January 05, 2006

Job Interview

The friend that has kind of gotten the ball rolling for a job, has finally paid off. Well, I’m hoping it will pay off. This friend turned in my CV (resume) just before Christmas. She said that I’d probably get an interview pretty quickly. Nothing happened, and we figured it was because of the holidays and were not expecting to hear anything till AFTER the new year. Just a couple of days ago, my partner and I were talking about how we still didn’t hear anything from this company about a job offer or anything of that nature. N rang my partner this morning and said that I should be warned that the company might ring me for an over the counter interview to “suss” me out. Then more than likely I’d have a regular interview soon. My partner then rang me while I was at work and told me this.

Around 4, T rang me from the company and we talked for about 10 minutes. I probably wasn’t supposed to be talking to her while I was at work, but I was in the back, not around anyone..and figured that it would have been okay. Besides, I took the time off, from my lunch, so I wasn’t getting paid to talk. We talked a little bit about the job, and what it would entail. And she asked me if it sounded like a job I’d be interested in. I told her I was interested. We got to talking more, and I’m not quite sure she believes that I have the qualifications. I’m hoping that the interview goes well. I told T, that even if I don’t have the qualifications for this specific job, that I’d be willing to do something else, get some work experience and then maybe jump into the position at a later time. One disadvantage I have, is that I don’t know Australian law. And that is a big part of what my job description is. But T knows that I’m interested, and I really hope that everything goes well during the interview. I was told that I was going to be given some behavioral scenarios and have to give examples for other scenarios. I’ve done them before, but not really specifically to this line of work. Lucky for me, N is going to come over on Saturday to give me some paperwork to look over, and to talk about the interview. She’s been through it, so she’ll be able to give me some tips.

I’ve talked to a friend who I used to work with, that did case management type stuff and she gave me some great advice. But even though I’ll be a case manager, the population is different to who she worked with. Not to mention, the flexibility and scenarios will be different. I guess all I can do is explain the best that I can. I don’t want to sound like I’m stupid, or give a wrong answer. There may not be a right and wrong answer, but there may be an answer they’re looking for. I can remember some behavioral questions I answered during my interview at my last job in the states, and I remember answering a few of them wrong, or at least not answering them the way I should have. But I guess they still saw potential in me, and still hired me. I hope that’s the case of this job.

I’m stressing out, because I’ve put so much hope on this job..if I don’t get it, I’m going to be devastated. I don’t know where I’ll go from there, in terms of job leads. This was the major job lead I had. I don’t want this company to just hire me. (Well that wouldn’t be bad either LOL ) I want them to believe that I have the capability to do the job they’re asking. But I also know, that there is a dire need for people at this company. There is a big turnover rate, and this T woman, went on her own accord to talk to me. She cornered N in the elevator and said “I really wish your friend was able to work…” N didn’t realize that T wanted someone to work as soon as possible, so T took my CV from human resources and I think she’s doing her own thing to hire. So I kind of hope because they’re looking for someone, and have sort of put some hope in hiring me, that it’ll work to my advantage. N had told her work about me awhile ago..but I couldn’t start working because of my visa conditions. But I hope that there are still some jobs available, and I hope that the interview leads to a job. So please send your positive energy and good luck my way. And of course, any tips on job interviewing, or how to handle questions I may not necessarily know how to answer..would be greatly appreciated.

-current mood-STRESSED, and the interview isn't until Monday. What will I do till then??


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