Ipod Nano

Yesterday my partner and I webcammed with my family for Christmas. Since Christmas is a day later in the states, it works out perfectly for me. On the day where I’m usually relaxing and enjoying the nice weather, I’m able to meet up with my parents after they’ve had their Christmas lunch. It was a quiet Christmas there this year, my aunt and uncle who live about 2 minutes away from my parents, were in Florida with their daughter and brother in law. This year, it was just my parents and two siblings. I spent 3 hours on the webcam talking to each of them. I couldn’t believe the conversation had lasted that long. That’s a LONG time to be sitting and typing constantly.
But my partner and I opened up our gifts from my family in front of the webcam, so that they could watch us. They had already opened up the pressies we had given them. I didn’t think they would have done it already, since last year, we both waited. But nonetheless, they had already opened up our pressies. A box came on Thursday I believe, that had some of our gifts in it. On the customs form, my dad had written “Ipod” on it. And they had insured the package. My partner’s mouth dropped when she read the customs form. Her mouth dropped, because it’s been an ongoing joke between her and my mum. My partner’s wanted an Ipod for a few years now (since them came out). But she hasn’t really been able to afford one. I had talked about how I liked them, but never really thought much of them. Don’t get me wrong, I think they’re very cool gadgets, but I was quite happy using my minidisc player I’d gotten about 3-4 years ago.
When we opened up the box last week, to put the pressies under the tree, I had suspected that I had gotten an Ipod. I assumed it would have been an Ipod shuffle. I hadn’t made any indication that I had wanted an Ipod. We knew that it was for me though, because the”special gift” had been addressed to me. The box was so small, that I assumed it was the Ipod shuffle. I open the box, and it was an Ipod Nano…a black one. I was completely shocked. I asked my family if it was, what the box had said, and they said yes. I opened up the little box, and looked at the Nano. I couldn’t believe how SMALL it was. The adverts were not wrong in showing just how small the Nano is. I knew it was thin, but I just thought the person in the commercial had big hands. I was pretty wrapped and over the moon that I’d gotten one. My brother got me a special cover for the Nano, for when I go jogging, I can wear it on my arm.
So yesterday and today, I’ve been busy playing with my little gadget. Even though I don’t have a high output USB, it still works. I’m thinking one of the first things I’ll buy, are some new USBs so that the trasferring is super quick. Plus, I’ll be able to charge it a lot quicker. For some reason, when I tried to turn it on this morning, it wouldn’t turn on. I must have done something wrong, because when I plugged it into the computer, it was fully charged. But I am having quite a blast trying to figure out all out. I’m hoping to buy a car charger for the Ipod. I’ll have to figure out whether the car charger can work even though I got the Ipod in the states.
So what sort of songs do you recommend putting on the Ipod? Readers, this is your task…leave a comment, of some of your favorite songs. I have heaps of songs I want to put on, but I’m sure I’ll have room for some of your suggestions!!!
-current mood-NOT TIRED, even though I got up at 5:45 this morning.
Hey Diane!
Cool gift! I'd put the soundtrack of "RENT" on it
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