Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Ghost Whisperer

Are there any fans of the Ghost Whisperer with Jennifer Love Hewitt out there? The show started in September in the states, and started I think sometime this month, maybe even in November. I had heard great reviews about it on Entertainment Tonight, and often see them talking about the show. I started watching the show, and every single episode, I’ve cried. It’s a great show, a show that really makes me think. I’m a fan of Medium and this show is, in a way, like it. I’ve never had great faith in mediums or anything of that nature. And I’m not sure if those thoughts and opinions have changed. But watching the Ghost Whisperer, it really has made me think about just what happens when someone passes away. Are there really spirits that roam around Earth after they pass? Are there really people who are able to contact these spirits and help them “find their way?” I read stories about people getting in contact with famous people’s family members who have passed. And I get an eerie feeling when I read about the situations.

In one way or another, I’d be interested in seeing a medium. I say this for the simple fact, that I don’t know much about my family history. Well, in truth, I don’t know anything. And I don’t even know if a medium would be the right person to contact. But I wish there was a way I’d be able to find out more about my personal history. But I wonder if the medium would have to have knowledge of family members before they’d be able to do anything. But it would be great if I was able to get someone to contact people from my past. I think I would be able to feel at ease with a lot of “issues” I have. I have a sense of animosity toward my past and even though I know there is absolutely nothing I can do about it, just having some knowledge, or even a sign of my past, I know I would feel better about a lot of things.

-current mood-TIRED


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wouldn't hurt to try to contact someone that has proven to be effective in this area~ And I don't know if you need to know anything about your relatives or have something that belonged to them... Good luck... and follow your heart in this area!!


December 22, 2005 10:20 am  

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