Feeds and html
I’ve heard about feeds, and rrs feeds but I wasn’t quite sure what it was all about. I’m still very new to blogging, and the more blogs I read, the more I learn. But I have yet still so much to learn with html. I will admit, I’m learning a few things here and there, but I’m definitely NOT an expert. I’d still like to learn how to fiddle around with the actual layout of my blog, but I’m too afraid of messing things up. And knowing me, that wouldn’t be very hard. I’ve done homepages before, that have html, but after awhile, I just got so messed up with my html, that I ended up closing the sites. I like the sites that already have a layout all set up and all you have to do is upload. But one can do so much more with html.
I’d like to figure out just how some people are able to get thousands of people visiting their site. I don’t even have 2000 yet. It’s an uphill journey for me ::smirks:: I guess I shouldn’t be complaining, but I want to be popular too. Maybe my blog is just not as interesting. But it has to get noticed for people to realize it’s not interesting. I originally made the blog for my own benefit…something to keep my mind busy. And for the few loyal readers I’ve accumulated throughout the months. But now it’s really become an interest. Oh well, I’m still having a good time with it all. Maybe when I figure out what full time job I will have, if I have time, I’ll see about taking a course on basic html.
-current mood-FULL from a nice dinner my partner cooked me.
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