Merry Christmas

It’s 12:04am, Christmas morning. I thought I would post right now, because I know I’m not going to have any time once I get up. Merry Christmas to everyone reading this. I do doubt though, that many will be reading this, actually on Christmas day. But then again, you never know.
My partner and I are heading off around 11:30 to her mum’s place. We’re not having Christmas tea till at least 6:30-7:00 but I guess there is a lot of preparation. I thought to myself, that because we were not hosting Christmas dinner, that we wouldn’t have to do anything. Boy was I wrong!! ::laughing half-heartedly:: I’m sure my partner’s mum will keep us quite busy. Lots to do, as there always is during this time of the year.
Should be for an interesting day…my partner’s dad and partner is coming for Christmas dinner. We didn’t think they were going to. We also didn’t think “step-mummy” would be coming because she had made plans with her own family. But I guess she is, which, as sad as it is to say..not real happy. I don’t care much for the woman myself and neither does my partner or her sisters. But we have to be civil, and we will. But my partner’s dad doesn’t know that mum (here I’m referring to my partner’s mum, not my own) is going to be selling the house after the new year. And well, mum had the kitchen totally re-done. He didn’t know this, so we’ll have to wait, holding our breath to see how he reacts. I don’t quite know how he’ll react. Even though he signed the house over to mum earlier this year, he has no idea that she had plans of selling. But there is no point in keeping the house, because she lives over across the city, with her partner.
Bit nervous about Christmas dinner. Last year was a bit stressful (both parents had new partners, and there was a lot of tension in the air.) and this year shouldn’t be as stressful, but there still will be some tension in the air. Will try to make due on this’s supposed to be filled with happiness and joy. And I still will be happy and try to put on a happy face. But a part of me, just in general will be sad. We were watching the Carols by Candlelight on tv tonight, and I cried a bit, listening to the music. Even though I’m happy to be here with my partner, I miss my family heaps. I miss them the most, this time of year. Maybe it’s because it’s the time when families come together and everyone seems to be in a festive mood. I hate to sound like the grinch, but a part of me just can’t help but get sad and lonely. But enough of the sad stuff.
Merry Christmas to everyone!! To all my close friends (esp. Rainey, thinking of you gurl!), I wish you a happy and joyous day. Please be safe, where ever you are..and have safe travels if you have to commute somewhere. You all have a very special place in my heart and I will be thinking about you on this day. I hope that if times are rough for you right now, you’ll get through this holiday season. And I hope that you get everything you wanted, maybe even more. To people I don’t know personally…still have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
-current mood-SAD, in a happy sentimental sort of way.
*hugs you tight*
Merry Christmas, Diane!
i fell off the wagon last night and am kinda hungover. ugh. never again...
*hugs you again*
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