Aussie hangover

Anyway, around 8:10 we get a phone call (I answered it) and M was wondering where the heck we were. I told him we were on our way. We just had to use the toilet and we’d be over in about 10 minutes. Luckily they only live about 5 minutes away. We arrive at M’s place, and as soon as we got there, I became the topic of conversation. I guess it was “discussed” that since being here in Australia, I haven’t had a “true” Aussie hangover. What that is exactly, you got me. I guess it may have something to do with drinking VB till one is drunk. But people said that now that I got my residency, there wasn’t an excuse for me to not get drunk. I laughed half-heartedly and said “we brought stuff, but I doubt I’ll be getting pissed.” They kept giving me a hard time, and I just laughed it off.
All night, T (my partner’s sister) kept saying “I think D’s thirsty” or “how’s that drink coming along, do you need another one??” No matter what I did, people kept asking me if I wanted a top up, or what I wanted to drink next. I told “I’ve never gotten drunk, and the first time certainly isn’t going to be around people…” I’m not a big drinker myself, never have been, and probably never will be. I don’t really find the enjoyment out of drinking oneself to an oblivion so that they will eventually start making a complete arse out of themselves and of course don’t remember just exactly what they did the night before. Drinking has never been my perrogative, but if other people want to make arses out of themselves, I can’t stop them. I’ve always been one to drink conservatively. 2 drinks are about my limit. I have never been drunk, and the idea of being that out of control or that vulnerable, it just doesn’t seem appealing to me. I think IF I were to ever drink so much, my inhibitions were thrown out the window, I’d want to be with just my partner. That way if I DID act really stupid, she’d be the only one to know.
Through out the night, I ended up having 2 flavored drinks (as R said, “lolly water”) and 2 shots of c*cksucking cowboys (sorry, but I can’t stand the C word). That was enough for me. Even though I didn’t feel a physical change, my partner said that I was a bit more witty and talking back to people. Usually I just hibernate in a corner, but I guess I was sort of chatty. I could tell I was still under control, but I couldn’t actually “feel” a change. I do know, that as the night progressed on, I was beginning to feel really tired. By 1:30, I was about ready to fall asleep on the couch, while watching the Will and Grace marathon on tv. I ended up saying by that time, “let’s go…”
We ended up going home, I took a shower and was all ready to go to bed. Then as I was just about ready to fall asleep my partner screams from the bathroom “kill it, kill it, kill it…” I mean she literally SCREAMED it. I woke with a fright and yelled at her to not yell like that. There was a huge huntsman spider in the bathroom. It must have stirred when I had gotten into the shower earlier. I killed it, she finished her bath, we went to bed. We couldn’t sleep. NO, it wasn’t because of all the alcohol I had consumed. I blame it on the warm weather. It got up to 43 yesterday..that’s 107 in F. It cooled down around 10:00, then it heated back up again around 11:45pm. We tossed and turned till about 3:30, then I finally decided to put the AC back on, and was finally able to sleep. I woke up this morning with no hangover…so in truth, I didn’t have an Aussie hangover, what ever that is defined as ::smirks::
-current mood-WORRIED, got some car problems ::stern face::
Good on you for not getting trashed or hungover, hun!
Both suck...
and you don't have to be a recovering alcoholic like me to kknow that....
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