Saturday, December 31, 2005


Today is the last day of 2005. Hard to believe that we’re already ½ way into the decade. It seems like it was only yesterday when everyone was preparing for “millinium” and freaking out because we all didn’t know if the world was going to end or not. Every year that goes by, is one less year I have to live. And as morbid as that may sound, it’s the truth. Every year that goes by is also a time for me to reflect on what has happened thus in my life. As I think back to all of the events of 2005, I can’t help but give out a small sigh of relief. So much has has been a major roller coaster ride. Life is very much like that, so why would I think 2005 would be any different? I know other people have had far more horrific events happen in their life than I have. I am very blessed to still have all my body parts and all my family members. I have a lot to be thankful for.

One of the big talks of every new year, is the idea of new years resolutions. I can remember sitting down and thinking long and hard at what I wanted to do for the new year. New year resolutions to me, are not only about “what I WON’T do” and to include “what are things I WILL DO.” Even though it’s great to have resolutions for ourselves, a few years ago, I stopped making them. I stopped making them because it seemed like every year I ended up not meeting the resolution requirements, and it only defeated the purpose.

I don’t have any resolutions for 2006. Not any major ones worth even breathing about. I know what I want to accomplish for the next year. Would that fall into the category of “resolution?” I do not know. But what I DO know, is that there are many things I want to complete, do, and experience in 2006. A lot of the ideas I have, revolve around strengthening my relationship with my partner, finally being able to experience some normalcy in our relationship, and to hopefully find ways to cope with what ever stressors come my way. I don’t think they’re out of reach ideas, more like, ideas that I know I can achieve. And if I don’t achieve these ideas, I’ll be okay with it.

My mum bought me a book for Christmas titled Learning to Balance Your Life 6 Powers that Restore Your Energy and Spirit. Inside my mum wrote “it is important to have balance and to be able to handle the ups and downs of life. I think this journal will help you.” The book has a lot of reading, and after every section, there is a “homework” session. The 6 powers mentioned are; will power, spiritual power, emotional power, social power, and physical power, and mental power. Also included in the first chaper is about the power of balance. All of these topics will hopefully help bring an insight to finding some true balance on my life. I’m not a big believer in books like this, but I thought I would give it a chance. My mum worries about me, and I think because of my breakdown during the immigration process, it gave my mum a scare. She knows what type of person I am, and knows that I find it hard to handle the ups and downs of life. I know she’s just looking out for my best interest. So I’m looking forward to reading the book and doing the exercises…and hopefully I will be able to find ways to accomplish resolutions for 2006.

-current mood-DREADING the weather..supposed to be 42 today (107 F).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'd give you a hug, luv, but it sounds to hot and muggy to do that...

haven't done the resolution bit myself in years....

December 31, 2005 3:30 pm  

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