Monday, January 02, 2006

The L Word seasons 1 and 2 comparison

My partner and I finished watching The L Word season 2 yesterday. After we finished watching the season finale, and after being peeved off that there wasn’t a preview for season 3..we got to talking about the two seasons. My partner couldn’t get into season 1 for some reason. Maybe it was because she watched it on the vcr and the recorded show just wasn’t right for her. But she said she couldn’t get into the first season. I ended up having to fill her in on a few plot lines because she never finished watching the first season. She in fact always gave me a hard time about being totally into The L Word, and all of their characters. As she would say “you’re obsessed.” I wasn’t obsessed, I was just quite happy to watch a show about lesbians.

My partner enjoyed season 2 much more so than I had thought. When I told her we’d gotten it from my sister for Christmas, she just kind of said “okay….” Then I head off to work on Thursday last week, and she’d already watched 4 episodes. She had a whinge at me, and said that more than likely I’d be watching it before she would, or by myself, as I usually do. But she ended up getting a head start. It took about 3 days to watch all 13 episodes because we did stuff among the moments we were not watching. She thoroughly enjoyed season 2 I think. We both like “Carmen…” To me, she sounds like Jennifer Lopez, but looks like Eva Longoria (hope I spelled that right…from Desperate Housewives).

I think season 2 was much more interesting. Just like in season 1 of Queer as Folk, it seemed as though the whole season was about sex. Season 1 of The L Word was much more steamy and sensual. But season 1, you got to learn about the characters and to find a foundation for these characters. I think in season 2, there were much better plot lines, and adding new characters made it more interesting. There was still sex, and nudity, but it seemed to be more tastefully done. I think the writers realized what they felt comfortable with, from season 1, and made some differences in season 2. I don’t know about others, but I thought you could definitely tell that there was a difference in the show itself. I think it was better than season 1..and can’t wait till season 3. Makes me wonder how long they’ll do it for.

As for plot lines, I certainly didn’t like the “Mark” roommate storyline with his cameras. That peeved me off, and totally put the nail on the coffin of the topic that I’d NEVER have a male roommate. I’ve only had one, and it was my brother in law. How creepy was Mark’s friend though. I think he was the instigator of it all, though “Mark” could have very well said “NO.” Mark’s friend, (sorry can’t remember his name) just reminds me of a skinhead, is that bad for me to say??? I didn’t like him at all, and in the beginning I didn’t like “Mark” but by the end of the story he turned out to be an alright guy….but I still don’t like him. I find it interesting that both of the major male roles, their first names were both Eric, Eric Mabius (now on the OC) and Eric Lively.

I felt so bad for “Bette” during this season. I am a HUGE Jennifer Beals fan, and just got so depressed watching her character’s life go spiraling into chaos. It seemed like NOTHING ever went right for her. That “Helena Peabody” woman was quite the sh*t stirrer. I wonder if she’ll be around for season 3 or not. I wonder if “Carmen” will too. I am sort of assuming “Carmen” will since her and “Shane” ended up together. I think they make a great couple, and it’d be nice to see someone be able to be close to “Shane.” But then some people may say the “player” role is what makes “Shane” so appealing. I am glad that “Bette” and “Tina” got back together, and I hope they stay together. I didn’t agree with what “Bette” did, and don’t know if I’d ever be able to forgive my partner if she did what “Bette” had done, but I just felt like those two were meant to be together.

“Alice” and “Dana” were absolutely funny, but by the end of the season, it left it open as to whether they were going to stay together or not. Sometimes when the line between best friends and lovers gets crossed, it makes things more difficult. And it’s great if it’s able to work out, but if it doesn’t, are people able to go back to being just best friends?? And did “Dana” want to get back with “Laura?” I did like “Laura’s” character thought. It was nice to see her back, even if for a short while.

I did read for season 3, that there was going to be a new female character. A lesbian who is very very butch. I don’t know if she’s transgendered, but I know she’s pretty hard core butch. It will be interesting to see what sort of story dynamics she brings to the other women. For the first two season there haven’t been many butch lesbians. It’ll be nice to see this other “side” if you will. I know season 3 starts next weekend, but I might not be able to wait for another year almost before finding out what goes on. I’ll have to keep up to date on the normal website I go to.’s Thought I’d plug that, for all you L Word fans.

-current mood-A LITTLE SUNBURNT, so sore...


Blogger Hebi said...

Oh...I rented Season 1 for my partner and me to watch on dvd......she was so hooked that she called Showtime the very next morning and ordered it for the start of Season 2. Am very excited for Season 3 to start next weekend. Let me know if you want the weekly scoop! Peace, Hebi

January 06, 2006 8:46 am  

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