Monday, January 23, 2006

5 strange things about me

Tag...You're It!!!

RULES: You must post a blog entitled "5 Weird Habits About Me" or "5 Strange Things About Me" and post the names of 5 people you would like to tag in turn. Don't forget to include a copy of the rules, and then list 5 weird/strange truths about yourself in the blog. Each person you tag must in turn post a blog including the rules, the names of those they choose to tag, and their 5 things

Strange thing #1: I wear earplugs to bed every night. I started wearing them because of my partner being a horrible snorer. But regardless of whether she snores or not, I keep them in my ears. I have kind of trained my body and mind to NOT sleep, unless I wear earplugs to bed.

Strange thing #2: Australia is the third country that I hope to get citizenship from. S. Korea was the first country of citizenship, because I was born there. Came to the States when I was 4, lost my Korean citizenship, became a US citizen. After I’ve had permanent residency for 2 years I hope to get dual citizenship with Australia and New Zealand. If not, this will yet be the third country I’ve permanently lived at.

Strange thing #3: When I first came to the states, I used to steal fruit and veggies from the fridge. Because I was very mal-nourished and probably only ate rice, the food here was a new surprise to me. I was afraid of what my parents would say if I asked for more fruit and I’d steal them from the fridge. How my mum found out, I kept the carrot tops and apple cores under my bed. I was a good thief, but I guess not a very smart one.

Strange thing #4: Growing up, my brother (adopted, but not biological) and I pretended we were twins. Because we were both Asian, and about 10 months apart, people often mis-took us for being twins. So we always played up on it to strangers. Now, there’s no way you’d think we were twins. ::smirks::

Strange thing#5: Growing up, I hated my room looking the same. So every 3 months or so, I’d re-arrange my room. Because I had a big room, there were many different ways I could have changed the room. And after changing the room around, I always felt a sense of relief and excitement. Ahhh, the things that makes one happy ::smirks:: I’m still like that today, but can’t change my room so much now. But we try…

Victims to be tagged…If you haven’t already been tagged of course, and hopefully you still read my blog ::snickers:: And please note, for those who I DIDN’T pick, it isn’t because I don’t like you as I just had to pick 5, and I picked 5 people that I wanted to find out strange things about And thanks to AngelicScarz for tagging me!






So type away ladies!!

-current mood-I just feel "average"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi luv! I hope you don't mind if i post the five weird things here first because my 360 blogspace will be dedicated to the issue of rape for time being...

Rainey's 5 Weird habits

1. When i'm in a rush or on location i bathe japanese style. I soap and shampoo really, really well getting all sudsy and soapy, then i douse myself with a bucket or pail of water--more often than not it's cooooold :(

2. i go nude at home (am i allowed to say that *blush*) if it gets cold instead of wearing something like a sensible person, i'll wrap a blanket or comforter around me. I also like going barefoot, whether it's at my apartment or my parents' house and i'm always getting scolded for that...

3. I'm not a breakfast person. I'll have juice or fruit, at most, when i have anything. For some reason eating anything before noon makes me queasy. Except when i'm on a shoot, then brerakfast is not only fine; it's a necessity

4. Unless i have a shoot the next day, i can't sleep earlier than 1am. I just can't; idk why.

When i'm on a shoot; i have no problem sleeping early though...

5. I need for it to be very very cold, very very dark and very, very quiet to be able to sleep quickly. Otherwise it takes forever. Except when i'm on a shoot, then i fall asleep really quickly and can get up early with no ill effects.

January 25, 2006 9:44 pm  

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