Wednesday, January 25, 2006

I got the job!!!

::jumping up and down with joy:: So I got the job. I was just about ready to start working at my other job. I had just clocked in, and was about to meet with V, so we could discuss what I was going to be doing, when H rang. I guess T (the one who I had the interview with) is no longer working at the place. She told me she was going on holidays for 2 weeks, but H said that T was no longer with the company anymore, or something to that affect. But H, did a lot of jargon talk, and eventually said they had checked all of the references I had given them on Friday. She said all of them gaving glowing references for me, and that they were offering me the position. I then said “I’m so excited” after I had accepted the offer. She then proceeded to tell me that she would be sending out some contact information stuff, as well as the information they’ll need for payroll. But I start on February 6th. So that gives me a little time to relax, even though I’ll probably be working a few shifts still at this other place. I reckon they like me too much ::smirks::

My job title is a “personal financial consultant.” I am working for a state trustees law firm, that is run by the government. People are appointed by the state who are no longer able to manage their own funds. People who have mental health disorders, and other disabilites, would be the sort of cliente I will have. And my job, is to pretty much make sure that their expenditure (sp) doesn’t exceed their budget. There will be times where I will have to buy and sell property, have to go to court for tribunal hearings, and there is a lot of paperwork involved. That is pretty much what I’ll be doing, is paperwork all day. This will be a big change or me, because I’m not really used to a desk job. But I’m hoping that because I’m working for a law firm, it may then pave way for some other opportunties for me, down the line.

But I can hardly contain my excitement right now. I’m so relieved, and it seems like everything is coming together the way it should. So thank you to all the support I’ve gotten with this job search. I appreciate the emotional support and all the wonderful positive words of encouragement.

-current mood-OVER THE MOON!!! I finally got a full time job, and this makes things a whole lot easier for us.


Blogger Unknown said...

Congrats! Happy for ya :)

January 26, 2006 6:30 am  
Blogger Blue_Dragon said...

I'm so excited for you!!! Congratulations!!!

January 26, 2006 2:14 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

YAY so glad the pieces are falling into place...

January 26, 2006 5:37 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats, luv!

No one deserves it more than you do :D

January 26, 2006 8:36 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

right on glad to hear the good news... Law firm that is awesome and of course there will be opportunities coming your way keep your eyes open and always in the pounch stance... Hahaha lol thats; what i do don;t let those opportunities slip through your fingers.

January 28, 2006 7:20 am  

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