Friday, October 21, 2005

Weather outside

Well, the weekend is finally here. Another week down, and another weekend where I don’t have to be obsessing over whether we’ll hear anything from DIMIA. Currently, the rain is coming down like cats and dogs, there is a warm aura outside and I’m calm for once. I’m going to my partner’s cousin’s birthday bash tonight, without her because she’s working. I’m working on trying to stay positive, and working on keeping my mind occupied. The sound of the rain, it’s amazing at how calming it makes me feel. I have a music cd of nothing but nature sounds (I did find one) and it really lowers my heart rate. The thunder and lightening has started I believe, oh wait, that’s just someone’s vehicle starting up. But there is supposed to be thunderstorms tonight. And walking outside, you can just “sense” that a thunderstorm is going to happen. They always say, “the calm before the storm” and there really wasn’t one in this case. The rain has been going on and off all day, started early this morning, and is still going. I love the smell of fresh rain as it hits the pavement. Strange, some people might say, but it reminds me so much of home. Oregon is notorious for their raining seasons, and without fail, you’ll know it rains about 9 months out of the year. Some people hate the rain, I like it, sometimes. If I’m driving, I prefer it to NOT rain. But if I’m running in the rain, especially when it’s cold outside, nothing gets my blood pumping like rain beating on my face. I prefer it to rain cats and dogs, than to have the pissy sort of rain. If you’re going to rain, rain like you’ve never rained before. Just please, no flooding, that can cause some major issues. We need this rain, the plants and the water reserves need this rain. And mentally, I need the rain, it makes me feel better.

-current mood-LOVING the rain


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