"Police charge man over sex film"
No, many may say that homosexual acts are vile, vulger and just WRONG. And I’m an openminded person when it comes to people, for the most part. What people choose to do, is their own perrogative and who am I to say anything. But seriously, when it comes to sex with animals, I just can’t fathom a reason as to WHY. Sex with a minor is wrong, it’s immoral, and it all has to do with the fact that a child is not of consenting age, there is a major difference in power, and I could go on and on as to why sex with a minor is wrong. But having sex with an animal, an animal that can’t scream NO, or the fact that they have NO idea what is going on. To picture something like the article, I just get a queasy feeling in my stomach, and it seriously makes me want to vomit.
I don’t understand the psychology around wanting to have sex with an animal. It’s vulger and crass, and unnatural. People say homosexuality is unnatural and goes against what nature says. But how can it be that? It’s something between humans….two consenting adults. Someone having sex with an animal, a helpless animal, where is the consent in that?
I’m glad that this guy has been charged. Even though he wasn’t the one DOING the act, he was still a part of it. A part of something that IS illegal. It just makes me wonder, if he does go to jail, how he’s going to fare in prison…once other prisoners find out just why he was put in prison. No cruelty charges were filed, but there should have been. Even though he wasn’t actually being cruel to the animal, he was an accessory, he was there, he should have known NOT to do something like this. What I wonder, is why is the farm STILL active? The article stated that it was a farm used by bestialists. Why don’t they get rid of the animals, send them to good homes, and then sell the land? I hope this guy rots in jail, but I doubt that he will.
-current mood-HUNGRY, let's go eat!
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