Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Testing, my blog feed

For some reason, my feed isn't being updated on yahoo 360. The post re: Tom and Katie's wedding (gag) isn't showing up on my feed. So here's testing this, to see if this is updated.

Any computer whiz peeps out there, who know how to keep the feed on yahoo 360 update? I tried it with feedburner (for blogger.com) but it didn't work, it stopped updating. ::shaking head:: I'm not that savvy when it comes to computers, html, and all that jargon


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let u know, ive just recently stumbled across ur blog and really enjoyed reading some of ur posts.

The one entilted home sick, i have to behonest in saying i really loved the honesty u wrote with. I hoped that made sence, i dont write as well as u-lol.

November 22, 2006 11:46 am  

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