Wednesday, March 01, 2006

March already

It’s already March 1st, and I’ve already been at my job for almost a month. I can’t believe how quickly this time has gone by. Every week seems to be going by quicker and quicker. I’ve started working on budgets this week, and I’ve also started working on “change of address” procedures. I did budgets on Monday, Tuesday and today, but tomorrow I will be working on change of address. I had a quick “training” on change of address and will hopefully remember how to do it tomorrow.

Next week is week 5, and that’s when J said that we’d start getting a case load. But she said that we’d be doing mail all next week, and we’d also be learning how to do section 61 reports. So I wonder if we’ll have a case load, as well as doing all this stuff. There is still quite a bit to learn, but yet we might be getting a case load. It’s hard to believe that it’s almost been 5 weeks. I say this, because the first 5 weeks is pretty intensive training, and then they “let us loose” but I don’t quite feel prepared to just jump in. We have yet to learn how to make payments as well. Maybe they only teach us the major things, and then that will sort of give leeway for us to learn other stuff. Nonetheless, I’m quite happy to be working. Still a lot to learn, but it’s going by pretty quick.

-current mood-TIRED, and a bit STRESSED.


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