Animal Abuse

When I saw this picture and read the caption my heart got all tight and I almost started crying. This poor 3 week old puppy was used as a “football.” Two teenagers may be charged with felony charges of animal abuse. The poor puppy died. ::shaking head in disgust:: That is one of many things, that I can’t grasp. Why do people abuse animals? I know with teenagers, and young kids (mostly boys) it is a pre-cursor to major issues later in life. Mostly criminal offenses that usually mean they’ll spend life in jail, or many years in jail.
But when I hear stories about kids throwing animals around, or shooting them with pellet guns, or dousing them in petrol and setting them alight, I get so angry. So angry because the law does absolutely nothing about it. They get a slap on the wrist, or a few months in jail. But regardless of where these kids do it, the government doesn’t do anything to stop it from happening again. Kids get away with it, and then because of that, they just keep on doing it. There is obviously something wrong, in these kids’ minds, for them to do this. But that still doesn’t take away from the fact that what they’re doing is so mean and cruel. I just can’t fathom the idea.
I have a real soft spot for cats. Dogs, more so puppies, I absolutely think are adorable. I hate going to pet shops and the Humane society because I see all these hopeless dogs and cats, and I want to take them all home. I know it’s an impossibility, and I wouldn’t be able to manage. But just seeing some of them, especially at the peet stores..they look so hopeless and sad. I often think about what they’re exactly thinking and feeling. I think back to my kitty Toby. I got him from the Humane society. He had only been at the Humane society overnight I think, and I adopted him. So he didn’t get much of a chance to “experience” that sort of life, to know any different. But I’m sure that he understood that he had been taken from his home, though his sister was still with him. But he got adopted out, and he absolutely loves his home now.
But how do other cats and dogs feel? I know in Australia, there doesn’t seem to be as many “free kittens” signs as there are in the states. I know here in Australia, you have to register your cat, and it’s vital to get them de-sexed. Even though there still are a number of cats and dogs at the humane society, not nearly as much of an issue as in the states. But I still get so sad when I hear that the RSPCA has to put down so many cats and dogs a day because there just isn’t enough room. There’s more animals than there are homes. Well, not really, but there are not as many people who are willing to take in animals, and love them…as there are animals.
Some people think that taking care of an animal is an easy responsibility. They feed it, and that’s it. But there is so much more to taking care of an animal. You have to love it and nurture it. You have to let it go outside, and you have to make sure it gets all its shots and vaccinations. I understand how some people are not animal lovers. But don’t take on the responsibility of caring for an animal if you’re not going to do it 100%. It’s not fair on the animal. They too have feelings, even though they can’t verbalize it like we can.
I wish there was more we could do, to help prevent animal abuse, but all that can be done, is to voice ourselves when we hear of people doing these cruel things. The law isn’t going to do anything to these repeat offenders. Hopefully one day, the law will catch up with these idiots, and they’ll get taught a lesson. They need to be taught a BIG lesson or two. SOMETHING needs to be done though.
-current mood-HAPPY, got the DSL working.
Your comment truly touched my heart. I am very involved with animal rights and normal ramble on so about people and why they abuse animals. I have started to dislike kids/people ecause of it and more so our judicial system who does nothing but slap the wrists of these future serial killing Dhamers of the world. I am going to Canada end of month to try to stop the bludgeoning masacre of the sea otters and I also would like to share I besides for having dogs, cats parrots and a deep deep love for animals find that you have the finest I have read yet! That truly made me weep for hours after seeing that itty bitty puppy unable to defend its poor fragile life. I weep for the future if this is what the world has in store for us. I weep for the future of these are the parenting skills that people have and if this is the emotions that parents instill in their children today. My mothe taught me to love animals not torture them. Welcome to my thoughts me fellow animal lover! Right on!
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