Saturday, October 08, 2005

Making a scene

One thing that really bothers me, that my partner does (among other things ), is that she makes a scene when someone cuts in front of her, or does something really rude. I’m the sort of person that tends to keep to myself, and don’t want to call attention to myself. For the most part, my partner is also that way. But on the odd occasion, if someone cuts in line, or does something extremely rude, my partner will loudly start swearing and say a few choice words. Usually, if someone annoys me, I’ll mutter a few words under my breath…but NOOOO, my partner has to be totally full on. There is no discretion in what she’s saying. I get embarrassed sometimes because I’m afraid one day someone is going to come back at her and start giving her a verbal lashing. Who knows what can happen in this day and age, I’m sure anything can happen.

For instance, today we went to the Warehouse, a store here in Melbourne. We were just doing some browsing, and we came across the aisle that had a bunch of candles. We were looking at them, and all of a sudden, this old lady comes right next to my partner, and starts pushing her way in and wants to look at the exact same thing we are. She’s pushing her way in with her hands, as she’s touching all the candle boxes. That’s when my partner started going off. She’s all “f**king b**ch, how rude of you to think you can just push your way in…f**cking b**ch, do you realize how rude that is?” I told her my partner to simmer down, and to just let it go. And she wouldn’t. I told her she was causing a scene, and she’s all “damn right I’ll be causing a scene.”

I sincerely hope that the old lady was hard of hearing, and didn’t hear what my partner had said. I understand rude people, and how it’s not tolerated, but I just don’t like it when my partner starts swearing at people. She just needs to learn to let it go, and to RELAX, as she tells me .

-current mood-JUST AVERAGE at the moment.


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