Monday, October 10, 2005

English testing

Tonight, on Today Tonight (current affairs news show) one of the topics is about foreigners and the fact that they don’t speak English. The preview stated “all these foreigners coming to Australia, become Australian citizens, but yet they don’t speak English, why is that?” I saw this preview and I asked myself the exact same question. To become an Australian citizen, as well as a US citizen, and probably a citizen anywhere else, you HAVE to pass a language test. So why are there so many people here in Australia, that don’t speak the language, but yet have an Australian passport?

It actually urks me a lot, when I’m somewhere, buying something, or on the phone with someone about a business deal, and I can’t even understand the person. I don’t want to be rude, but the combination of their super strong accents (I know this can’t be prevented) and the lack of English skills, it makes it extremely hard to understand someone. And when you’re doing something as important as trying to get something cleared up, such as a bill…talking to someone who doesn’t understand you, and you don’t understand them, is that good customer service? I don’t want to ask the person “can I get someone who speaks proper English” but sometimes I have to, because I truly can’t understand them.

People state all the time, if you go to a foreign country, you are then supposed to abide by their laws and regulations. Just look at all the drug smugglers who try to get off. If you’re in a foreign country, you need to abide by their laws and regulations. You also need to be able to speak the language, or at least be able to get your point across. I understand that people go to a foreign country as a tourist, I’ve done it before. I’ve been to Europe, and I didn’t speak French, but I tried. And I was only in France for like 5 days. My life wasn’t in France, and I wasn’t planning on living there. But if you go to a country, you need to be able to speak the language. I personally think it’s mighty ignorant when you feel like you don’t need to speak the language of the country. What makes you so superior to others?

You know what makes me even more upset?? Is when a certain group of people (all of the same race) start talking in their own language. And you can tell by their facial expressions, that they’re making fun of someone or saying something rude and derogatory. Okay, sure you know your own language, and you can do that in your own household. But talking in your own language, and saying rude things, so that those who DON’T know the language, can’t understand you…that’s blood rude. My partner HATES it when she sees people do this. And it is rude. Are we not seeing something we should be, to prove that it’s okay to do?

So just how do people pass the English aptitude test, if they don’t know hardly any Engish, if any at all? I wonder if a lot of kids have to still take the test? If they don’t, and they keep on speaking their own language all the time..they’re never going to learn. I think it’s great if kids are able to keep their native language, but they should be putting as much effort into speaking the language of the country they are in, as in keeping their own tongue. Isn’t it a common sense thing? I just don’t understand how people can come to Australia or any country for that matter, and think that they can just get by thru life without knowing the language of the country. That’s ignorant, on many levels.

I know I have an accent, but I am very fluent in English. And I hate it when people just “assume” I don’t know the language because I’m Asian. But I speak better English than some Australian citizens here. English isn’t my birth right language, but I grew up in an environment where English was the language to speak. I don’t speak my native language anymore, I lost it thru the years. But people have always told me how well I speak English. Well, darn right I should. People just make assumptions, and it really annoys the crap out of me. Especially when it comes to my speaking skills. Just because I don’t look white, doesn’t mean I don’t “act” white. If people never get to see me, but they hear me, and see what I write, they’d NEVER assume I wasn’t a natural born English speaker.

-current mood-JUMPY because I


Blogger Time To Move On said...

What a bloody hoot!

October 11, 2005 11:31 am  

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