Wednesday, June 14, 2006

I've Been Tagged

Thanks to Nakiki, I've been here we go.

I've been tagged!! I'm pulling the gloves off.

Name six behaviors that bother you in others:
Obnoxiousness (is that a
Bad hygiene (I know it's not a behaviour, but still, it BOTHERS me)
Egotism (ppl who are egotistical)

Name six places you dream of visiting on vacation:
Some tropical beach
Great Barrier Reef
Queensland Australia

Name six favorite past times:
1) Camping
2) Cartoons on Saturday morning
3) Waking up on Xmas morning, waiting to find out what Santa brought me
4) Lying on our dock, at my parents house in the summer, listening to the frogs croak, not having a care in the world.
5) Staying up all hours of the night, reading underneath my sheets with a dim flashlight. (any wonder why I wear glasses)
6) Going shopping with my mum and sister.

Name six things you would like to accomplish in the next year:
1) Help my partner pay off her house
2) Buy a new car (Mazda 3)
3) Visit my family back in the states
4) Get new personal number plates for my vehicle
5) Get another tattoo
6) Buy another kitty.

Name six things people would be surprised to know about you:
1) I have white parents
2) I have 3 tattoos, and counting ::smirks::
3) I'm a closeted soap opera fan
4) I have never had a cavity ::knocking on wood::
5) I hate driving
6) I'm obsessed with rainbows (it's a gay thing)

Name six songs that identify your personality:
1) Paranoid-by Garbage
2) Misfit-by Amy Studt
3) Faded-By Kate DeAruago
4) Dumb Girls-By Lucy Woodward
5) She's Not Just a Pretty Face-By Shania Twain (no, I'm not being conceited
6) I Will Survive-Gloria Gaynor (is that how you spell it??

Six people that I am tagging……
Don't truth, no one. LOL


Blogger Unknown said...

"I'm a closeted soap opera fan" LoL

June 18, 2006 8:37 am  

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