Da Vinci Code

I read the book about 3 years ago, and I had forgotten a lot of stuff. But even so, I found the movie really enjoyable. I personally thought it was excellent. Even though the book is fiction, the ideas and the thought process that went into the whole plot, was amazing. It's a pretty intense movie. There is a bit of self-inflicting violence, and I think that also took my partner by surprise. Even though the movie was pretty intense at times, Ian McKellen had some pretty good one liners.
I was raised Catholic, and even though I don't practice the religion, I still have my beliefs. And to think the faith as we know it, could very well be a farce, I don't think that'd go down well with the die hard believers. I can definitely understand how the Catholics were in an uproar, but at the same time, there were giving the movie plenty of publicity. But even if you're not Catholic or believe on the supreme being many people believe it...it still made you think and wonder. And I think movies that provide thought provoking ideas, that's when you know it's a good movie. I enjoy movies that, when you leave the theater, it keeps you wondering.
I'd be interested in finding out if others have seen the movie, and if so, what their views and opinions of the movie were.
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