Saturday, May 13, 2006

One More Step Forward

One more step forward for gay rights. I heard about ACT wanting to enact this law awhile back, but it was confirmed...passed as of yesterday. I rang my partner and jokingly asked her if she wanted to get "hitched." I know it's not the same as "marriage" but it's a step closer. She's all "oh I didn't hear about it." And I retorted back "no, you wouldn't. You always have your head in the sand when it comes to gay issues."

Read on, thanks to

SUMMARY: Gay men and lesbians celebrate the landmark law allowing same-sex couples the right to civil unions in Australia's Capital Territory.
Gay men and lesbians Friday celebrated the landmark law allowing same-sex couples the right to civil unions in the Australian Capital Territory.
The Canberra regional assembly approved the bill in a late-night vote Thursday. While many couples are already planning their "big day," some activists believe the law hasn't gone far enough.
Peter Furness of gay rights group Australian Marriage Equality called the move a way for couples to "celebrate their love and commitment" and "a very significant step forward in our push towards full legal equality under Australian law."
A spokesman for federal government Attorney General Phillip Ruddock, who along with Prime Minister John Howard had vowed to block the law, told the Associated Foreign Press that the government was "happy" with changes made, mainly that federal employees would not be required to officiate at civil-union ceremonies.
John Stanhope, chief minister of the Australian Capital Territory, said the law will still "deliver recognition, without conflicting with or changing the meaning of marriage."
The new law in the Australian Capital Territory, which encompasses the capital city of Canberra, is the first of its kind in Australia.

current mood-HAPPY, that this has passed.


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