Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Any bloggers enjoy playing this Japanese based number game? If you don’t know what it it. But the basic idea, is you have a 3x3 square, that has 9 squares in each of the squares. Your job is to put the numbers 1-9 horizontally and vertically, without using the same number in each row and column. Besides that, you have to have the numbers 1-9 in each of the 9 squares..and of course, none of them can be duplicated. When I first heard of the game and saw it in the newspaper, I thought “this is hard.” But I started one rated easy, and figured out how to do it. Now I try to do one every night. If I can’t get it from the newspaper or a magazine, I have a program that makes a game for me..and I print it off and do it before heading off to bed. If you haven’t tried the puzzle, I recommend trying it. It doesn’t take any math skills, just logic and skill. I haven’t been able to complete difficult ones, but I’m learning!

-current mood-PEEVED off at someone, but won't go into details. ::rolls eyes::


Anonymous Anonymous said...

To feed my addiction I use

March 09, 2006 5:55 am  

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