Moved to team
Due Dilligence is a pretty tough role because you have 65 days I think, to complete everything, to be compliant with the community standards. When you’re in one of the 5 teams, you’re clients are all “alike” if that’s possible. But with Due Dilligence, it’s different. But my team leader was discussing my progress with her team leader, and they think I might be a good fit for Due Dilligence. When I heard this, I was pretty wrapped. I didn’t know how I was doing, and I’ve been told by my friend N, that they (my bosses and such) think I’m doing a good job. But I guess my team leader has seen that I’m organized, and that I’m able to do things within a time frame. Those two things are key points to be a Due Dilligence consultant. New people usually don’t start out in Due Dilligence because there is so much to know. But I guess they are confident that I will be able to pick up what needs to be done, and then do it. So I’m excited.
I don’t start training until I think a month. I’ve just moved downstairs (there are 9 floors) to the Rural team. There are 2 people who are on leave at the moment, so I’m “filling” in for them. I started doing a section 61 report today with R (my training buddy) and when I got back to my desk before lunch….I found about 20 more budgets to do. Some are very easy, I can usually do them within 30 minutes. Others are more complex, and it takes me awhile. But the team leader at Rural knows that I’m still in training, and that I’ll be doing other trainings. But the 3 new starters that started last week, in about 3 weeks time, they’ll probably be ready to move to a team. And Tuesday, there are 3 new starters that will be starting then. Plus I heard there are 6 more interviews this coming week. So there are a lot of people starting, but it’s a matter of where they are going to fit everyone.
I can tell that I’m already stressed. Usually I’m able to go to sleep pretty quickly, but the past few nights, I’ve been lying in bed till 11:00. It’s not very good for me, when I’m tired as in the morning, and am dragging toward the end of the day. But maybe I’m feeling this way right now, because I know it’s Friday tomorrow, and it’s a 3 day weekend as well. Labour Day is on Monday…yippeeee.
I enjoy the job, I just sort of feel overwhelmed that I don’t know enough yet. But I know I’m not supposed to know everything. Now that I’m actually doing the work, it’s showing what I’ll be doing. And I ask a lot of questions, and I just hope people don’t get annoyed. But tomorrow we’ll be doing another section 61, but I’m going to be doing all the calling and contacting of people. That’s yet another skill I need to get more confident on….phone calls. I feel like I’m stumbling over my words when I’m trying to convey a message. But I know it’ll get better with time and practice!
-current mood-SAD, missing my hunny.
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