Wednesday, March 15, 2006

First animation with PSP

So this weekend, I went and attempted my first animation with paint shop pro. I tried to copy and paste the image, but the animation wouldn’t work. I don’t quite know why it won’t, but I have a link to my photo album that you’re more than welcome to go to. It’s not password protected, so you should just be able to click on the link and see my first piece of work. It’s not fancy or anything, but hey I’m slowly learning. I have a great teacher, so thanks to Lisa for your help. It’s soo much appreciated!! Currently I’m working on trying to add the watermark tube to other pictures, not just the animation…that way when I start to do other stuff, I’ll be able to say “I DID THIS!!!” ::snickers::

-current mood-INBETWEEN feelings at the moment.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

something worked when I clicked on it...the Rainbow blinks..and as REN posted I am not sure if that is what it is supposed to do, but just thought I would let ya know!!

March 16, 2006 4:24 am  
Blogger Gaylicious© said...

Yes, it's supposed to blink! It's an yep, the rainbow is supposed to have the ripple effect!


March 16, 2006 7:11 pm  

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