Thursday, September 15, 2005

Cats and their catboxes

This afternoon, I was in the lounge room just dilly dallyin’ around and all of a sudden Charlie (our cat) comes racing down the hallway, around the lounge, and back down the hallway to the bedroom closet. It was as if lightening had struck her bum and she was running as fast as she could. I got up and started walking down the hallway and I could “smell” that Charlie had had a poo. It was a bomber of one, if I may say so ::smirks:: I walked near the bathroom door, and noticed a piece of fresh poo on the ground. I cleaned it up, and Charlie was still running rampant. Charlie loves to run up and down the hallway, but today she had an extra amount of energy in her step. I’m gathering that it was because she had just taken a huge load off ::winking::

My cat Toby, back in the states is the exact same way. I had a bathroom that was off the bedroom, and his catbox was in the bathroom. Strange place yes, but it’s where Toby has always known his potty to be. We both would go potty at the same time ::laughing lightly:: But every single time Toby would go to the loo, after he’d have a poo, he’d run like crazy around the house. He’d run out of the bathroom, out of my room, into the lounge, over all of the couches, onto the ground, thru the kitchen and to the other lounge room. Without fail, he’d do it…and ironically he’d usually do it every time I got home from work. Toby is very particular about his catbox. If it’s got poos in it, he won’t go in it..he’ll wait until someone cleans it up before he’ll go. He’s a spoiled kitty, but he’s a very clean kitty. I’ve never had any problems with him going to the bathroom where he isn’t supposed to. He’ll throw up because he eats the plants, but he’s never had a problem going poo. Even in the cat carrier, he went to the bathroom in the cat carrier, I think it was because I quickly put him in there to go to the vet, and I didn’t take him to the loo. But he went potty, and amazingly didn’t get a single bit of fecal matter on him. He’s such a clean baby :::awww::

But why do cats do this? These two cats are the only cats I know of that run crazy after having a poo. Do other cats do this, or is there just something in my care that makes them do this? I get a kick out of it, and it’s even better when the cats growl as they’re running around the house. Charlie growls more so than Toby, but it’s not a mean’s more of an “excited, look at me” kind of growl. I can’t help but laugh when ever this happens. If I only knew what they were thinking as they were running wild.

-current mood- GOOFY


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you think and talk about some things lol, the toilet the other day now the cat having a poo


September 16, 2005 8:47 am  

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