Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Sims2 Nightlife

In just a few days, the Sim2 Nightlife will be available to purchase. I know here in Australia, we have to wait till the 19th for it to be available. I am a fan of the game, both original Sims and Sims2. With the original sims games, I have all of the expansion packs. But then as soon as the Sims2 came out, and I received it for Christmas, poor Sims went on the back burner. The Sims2 is a pretty cool game, a lot of different things you can do. I think I have more fun building houses and making up players, than actually playing the game. I have Sims2 and the first expansion pack, Sims2 University. I remember when the game just came out and I wanted nothing more to do than play my sims2 game. But it too, has been put on the back burner. I get a kick out of my sims characters farting and burping…green smoke comes out of their bums when they fart..lol The great things about Sims2, is the fact that there is homosexuality and bisexuality. Sims characters can get married (male/female) or joined (male/male or female/female). If you really want to get indepth, there are hacks to allow same sex marriage, and same sex parents have offspring of their own.

Sims2 Nightlife, is all about socialization and meeting potential new friends and loves throughout the neighborhood. For entertainment there are nightclubs, restaurants, casinos, lounges, and a retro chic bowling alley. All of which are perfect for making friends or meeting a new love. "Nightlife" will come with new datable NPCs. Plus there is a new aspiration, where in the Sims2 I think there are 6 already. And even more exciting, I think we have the capability of making our sims characters vampires. We already can make them aliens, vampires adds a whole new element. But one thing different, is the dating scene. In Sims2, people are able to get together, pending their star signs and compatibility. But I guess with Sims2 Nightlife, there is a “rating.” This is like party ratings in the Sims2 games. You throw a party, and at the end of the party, you get a rating with how successful or not, the party was. I guess this goes with how well your date goes. AND, sims characters can have their own cars. There are like 5 different types, and you can choose which kind you’d like to have.

I’m pretty excited about the game, but I probably won’t get it till it’s been out for a little while. It seems like every time a new game comes out, there are always installing problems or other problems. Plus, I think we need a more powerful computer. I think once I start working, I’ll buy a computer with a lot more ram and a lot more power. Looking at the screenshots thou, it does look like an interesting game.

Wonder if there are any simmers out there reading my blogs??

-current mood-EXCITED for the new game to arrive.


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