Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Cookies, what a disaster!

I made cookies, and let me tell you, they turned out absolutely horrible!! Back in the states, there is one common type of flour “all-purpose” flour. That flour is used for everything, cookies, bread (sometimes), cakes, pretty much anything. Here in Australia, there is “plain flour” and “self-raising” flour. The difference is, self-raising flour has bi-carbonate soda (I’m assuming baking soda in USA terms) and the extra bi-carb soda helps make what ever it is you’re cooking, to rise. I thought to myself “self, I will use plain flour because it’s not cake or bread. Little did I realize, that cookies DO rise. So I’m busy making my recipe and put a batch in the oven. To my surprise when I opened the oven door, the cookies were flat as a pancake, probably even flatter than that. The cookies turned out awful. The first batch crumbled at the mere touch of them. The others, (YES, I DID finish out the batch) I didn’t keep in as long, so they were more gewy.

I showed them to my partner and she couldn’t stop laughing. I told her, it has to do with the name of the cookies, and where the recipe came from. Years ago, when Clinton was running against George Bush Sr, a magazine came out with a recipe..battle of the canidates, and the recipe I so happened to try last night, were ones that were from George Bush’s family. So in all the laughter, the fact that they were Bush cookies, it made it all the more better for me.

But looking at how horrible my cookies turned out, it brought me back to my freshmen year of Home Economics. I remember when we formed cooking groups, a couple of the girls in my class were at tiffs with me (who knows why, typical high school drama I’m sure) so I ended up getting grouped with two girls I hardly even liked. Our first project that we had to do, was bake a batch of chocolate chip cookies. Our cookies turned out horrible as well. They were flat, and just looked like a blob. I was mortified, knowing that I knew how good of a cook I was. Something had happened, something was either not put in or something else was put in thinking it was something. Even thou our cookies turned out horribly, we still had to “show” them to the other groups. Can you imagine, all these other cookies that turned out better than ours, and then ours there, this blob of what. I can laugh about it now, but then, with the combination of the cat fight I was having with the other girls, and just knowing that I was a good cook it didn’t make for a good experience for me. Luckily I still managed to get an A out of that class, and I think truthfully, those cookies were the only “mess up” we ever did.

-current mood- FULL, from eating a big dinner


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