Saturday, August 27, 2005

Luke Skywalker

Today was absolutely a beautiful day. Being winter time, the weather has been pretty drab. But it got up into the 70’s today and will be like this for the next few days. I was completely over the moon when I woke up. The sun was beaming thru our windows and I could feel just sense of happiness. It’s amazing at how sun can affect my mood. Research has shown that the more light one is exposed to, the better they feel. SAD or Seasonal Affective Disorder is something a lot of people suffer. Thou I may not suffer it in a “clinical” sense, I do notice a huge difference in my moods when the sun is out , to when it’s dreary outside.

We went to the local shopping center this early afternoon, and as I was walking to the car, I started being really silly. I was pretending I was Luke Skywalker with the sword thingy in my hand. As you can tell, I’m not a huge Star Wars fanatic, however, I was enjoy moving my arms around, pretending I was fighting off some evil force. My partner just looked at me and rolled her eyes at the back of her head. I started laughing uncontrollably and she said “act your age.” I know she is only kidding, when she says all of this because I know how much she likes it when I go “stupid.” She doesn’t see it very often, so when it DOES happen, she secretly is smirking with happiness. I said to her “since when have you started acting YOUR age?” She goes “I don’t go around the mall, pretending I’m Luke Skywalker.” That got me into fits of laughter yet again, I couldn’t stop laughing. The sun was beaming into the car as we were driving to our next destination and I couldn’t get enough of it. I also couldn’t stop laughing. You may not find this funny, but I guess it’s one of those moments where you JUST had to be there.

Ahhh, how much I love the sun! I can’t wait for summer to arrive, so I can head off to the beach and soak up the rays my body and mind has missed out on. I sometimes consciously realize just how much the sun and light affects my moods, and when I do realize it, it’s as if a whole new bit of life has been sprung into my walk. I walk with a little extra “umpf” and I you can’t wipe the smile off my face..

current mood-ECSTATIC


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