Sunday, July 23, 2006

Couple on train

Yesterday I worked. There is a heap of stuff our team has to do, so they finally offered overtime to transfer some of our files. I was more than happy to oblige, and time and a 1/2, why not?

On my way home, I was sitting behind this Asian couple. The girl facing me, and her boyfriend's (I am to assume) back was to me. There was also a mother, I am thinking, of the boyfriend. The girl started eating these rice paper wraps. The next thing I know, her boyfriend is motioning her to give him a bite. He leans over, and she is feeding him. I about wanted to vomit. Every time he wanted a bit, she'd feed him. It wasn't as though he couldn't use his hands, he just chose not to. This went on for about 10-15 minutes. I didn't want to stare, but I couldn't believe that this guy was making his girlfriend feed him. They could have shared the rice paper wrap, alternating who got to take a bite. But no, the guy was making her feed him when ever he wanted a bite.

I'm thinking to myself "is this really happening?" Does this really still happen these days? Is it an Asian thing?? I was appalled, and am still appalled. It grossed me out, and made me really think that this guy was a pig.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trust me, it's NOT just an Asian thing. Personally I just think it's a chauvinist thing. Blech. I might give my girlfriend a bite, but I wouldn't actually FEED her.


August 17, 2006 10:48 am  

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